
Bootcamp – March 2020

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom Bootcamp – March 2020

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  • #40044
      • 2522
      • Superfan

      First of all, come and say HI once you register for this bootcamp.

      We want to know who else will be there, on our side to cheer everyone up.

      Everyone started as a beginner, so don’t ever compare yourself to others. You will learn one tool at the time, one concept at the time and you will create one project at the time. Everyone will have different photos and possibly different supplies so every project will be different.

      Once the Bootcamp is started, on March 9th, you can post your pages in here.

      Remember to resize your image to about 600 pixels before uploading it so it won’t slow down the site when we have lots of your masterpieces. Try to follow the tutorials at least enough that we can recognize what lesson you completed.

      Now, let’s get ready !

      If you missed the registration link or if you found this thread before I announce it (some people are very observant), HERE it is. Share it around if you want.

      Although this bootcamp is mostly meant to help beginners, we won’t exclude anyone for “excess experience”. Some participants are back for a second round. You are always welcome. Remember that it will be the exact same tutorials so don’t be surprised. I am sure you will now do something slightly different than the previous time.

      Since anyone can follow the whole bootcamp using the trial version of PaintShop Pro, this is a perfect opportunity for anyone to give it a try and see how they like the program, so share with your friends who MIGHT consider using PaintShop Pro.

      The 7 tutorials will be spaced out over almost 2 weeks. This should make it easier for participants to follow without feeling stressed (it should never be stressful!).

      Annie Tobin
        • 2938
        • Superfan

        Hello Everyone … yes, I am back again, lol! It doesn’t seem to matter how many times you do the Bootcamp there is always some little thing you pick up on that you seemingly “missed” last time.
        This is a photo of my dear friend … and GP … Dr Jenny Crane. I will be using some of these for projects in this Bootcamp. Jenny is as down to earth as they come and I think by the end of this Bootcamp you will come to love her as much as I do. As I always say … Thanks for takin a peek!

          • 335
          • Enthusiast

          Hi Annie … and Cassel!  I’m going to give it a go, too.  There’s always some little tip or trick to learn and besides that … it’s fun to see what people make – where they go with their ideas.  It’s often very diverse and that’s just the way it should be!  Looking forward to seeing everyone there.

          Sharon Wilke
            • 140
            • Junior

            Hello to all my fellow scrapbookers! I’m back for another refresher course and I really need it. I’ve been distracted by so many things in the real world. I basically gave up the computer for a short time. I did spend several weeks helping my Daddy go through photos and cards he had stuck in the closet. We have them all in real scrapbooks now. At least I have plenty to work with when I continue digital scrapbooking!

            Lynn Young
              • 62
              • Junior

              It’s me again. Maybe I should start with the last module and work forward. That way if I don’t finish I can add them to the last time when I did the first ones and have a full set.  Seriously though every time I do the boot camp I learn something new I missed the first umpteen times I tried it.

              James Durrant
                • 143
                • Junior

                Hi Scrapbookers. I have signed up for a second attempt at the Bootcamp. I will try to complete all the lessons this time, but maybe a few days gaps between postings of my efforts. Just waiting now for the first lesson.

                trish williams
                  • 805
                  • Superfan

                  Hi Carole, Annie and Everyone, I am Trish,  and an addict to PSP. This is my 4th time thru, its nice to see some familiar names here,  I am looking forward to seeing all your beautiful projects and how everyone has there own take  on the project  Looking forward to the next few days xx

                  fiona cook
                    • 112
                    • Junior

                    Hi, I’m new to Paintshop Pro, Scrapbook Campus and to Bootcamp so Rookie Rookie Rookie. Here goes.


                    Corrie Kinkel
                      • 1078
                      • Superfan

                      Hi, I’am also new to scrapbook and bootcamp but I’am already using paintshop. I look forward to a lot of new ideas.

                      Lynn Young
                        • 62
                        • Junior

                        I settled on Medium Gray awhile back, only materials and layers on the right. It was easier to take capture of the top bar.

                        cindy harris
                          • 449
                          • Enthusiast

                          Hello Carole and Trish, everyone hi

                          Very happy to be here and I set my workspace up in grey, my picture will be of my last rescue dog.

                          Annie Tobin
                            • 2938
                            • Superfan

                            Hi Bootcampers.  This is my workspace!

                              • 2522
                              • Superfan

                              Minka, Fiona, Corrie, welcome to our fun Bootcamp. As you can see, some participants are back for multiple times! Remember that if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

                              Annie, Sharon, Lynn, James, Trish, Cindy, welcome back.

                              fiona cook
                                • 112
                                • Junior

                                I had a problem viewing both images at once despite having deselected ‘Tabbed Documents’ but by repeating the instruction and selecting Window>cascade it then worked. I am using Paintshop Pro 2020 Ultimate if that makes any difference. I would like to know how to get the complete sandwich in its arranged form over to the table in one go. All the layers in their respective positions from Sandwich to Table. Fiona

                                  • 2522
                                  • Superfan

                                  Fiona, the only way to move everything “in one go” would be to make a group of layers and everything in that group. However, it is not something that was addressed in the lesson as it is not something we use too often, at least in the beginning. But it looks like you managed to move your sandwich on your plate. Bon Appetit!

                                    • 1558
                                    • Superfan

                                    Hi Everyone! This time I am not participating, but have been here at least 3-4 times if I remember correctly. I love to see all the different layouts, ideas that everybody brings. Have fun!

                                    Lynda DiGregor
                                      • 1047
                                      • Superfan

                                      Hello Everyone,

                                      This is my second Bootcamp. I’m sure I’ll pick up something new or at the very least I’ll be able to remember what I learn seeing that it’s the second time around. 🙂

                                      We are traveling in Arizona so I’m hoping to use that for a theme.

                                      Lynda DiGregor
                                        • 1047
                                        • Superfan
                                          • 335
                                          • Enthusiast

                                          I did my sandwich … I have to say that is the absolute best way to introduce layers. What a great analogy! Never thought of it as a sandwich before … but it made it easy to think about. I made my sandwich with a little dollop of mayonnaise and put it on some blue willow ’cause that’s what MOM gave us. Then I was all over the place playing with other things and found the netting one!! Fantastic! My netting didn’t come out all that great for first time around … but I am sure it will be better next time. I will choose better colors. Am sending it though because it was just darn fun. Used the netting on the camping one, but I should have made it bigger as when you reduce it down it’s hard to see. Oh well, live and LEARN!

                                          cindy harris
                                            • 449
                                            • Enthusiast

                                            Sandwich on a Beautiful tablecloth made my Trish Williams shes awesome. I also have hot coco in my cup with marshmellows
                                            and a side plate of veggies and a apple they are tubs, i luv tubs. The first time it took me a few days and so much sweat and freaked out this time it was fun.

                                            Sharon Wilke
                                              • 140
                                              • Junior

                                              Oh my! I really have forgotten how to use PSP! I desperately need this refresher course. I had to contemplate on that for quite a while. It’s all coming back to me slowly. Thank goodness there is a place where I can relearn all of it!

                                              trish williams
                                                • 805
                                                • Superfan

                                                Made my sandwich  and added some cheese with some mayonaise, merge them together and cut it in half, changed the plate colours, and had a cake to finished with a hot chocolate,  made a servette, and laid it out on a polished wood table on a napkin.

                                                  • 17
                                                  • Rookie

                                                  Hi everyone,

                                                  Here is my table setting with a placemat and some lemonade to drink.

                                                    • 2522
                                                    • Superfan

                                                    Fiona, do you happen to like pickles? 🙂

                                                    Lynda, looking forward to travel with you. I guess you like your sandwich “all dressed”!

                                                    Minka, glad to see that the sandwich exercise was helpful. Did you use the exercise file to do the practice? I am just curious since your sandwich looks so different. It must have been a lot of work to gather all those elements. For the other projects, could you post them in the What are you working on? thread? That way, it will be easier for me to keep track of the Bootcamp homework 🙂

                                                    Cindy H, that hot chocolate looks very inviting. I see you also practiced with the shadows on the utensils. Good job! It was not required, but definitely a good practice.

                                                    Sharon, things will come back to you with practice. Don’t worry. It is a little like riding a bike. And remember that if you have any questions, we are here for you.

                                                    Trish, that is quite a lunch (or dinner)! Maybe we should consider making a buffet exercise next time 🙂

                                                    Lee, I think you are the first participant to have lemonade!

                                                    Get ready for your first project tomorrow.

                                                    Those who have not done their sandwich exercise, we are still hungry. What story will you tell us with your sandwich?

                                                      • 252
                                                      • Enthusiast

                                                      I have put a bit of Kiwi in nonsense into this one and made a floral layer sandwich.

                                                      Annie Tobin
                                                        • 2938
                                                        • Superfan

                                                        Shirley, I will sit at your table anytime … if you will have me … you put a smile in my day! LOL!

                                                        Annie Tobin
                                                          • 2938
                                                          • Superfan

                                                          Hi Everyone.  This is my day 3 … yep, I cheated, tis one I have created before.  Thanks for takin a peek!

                                                          Mary Stander
                                                            • 13
                                                            • Rookie

                                                            HI everyone,

                                                            This is my first bootcamp.  I’m new to Paint Shop but have worked with other photo editors.  I’m looking forward to getting acquainted with PSP.

                                                            Here is my sandwich.  I’m looking forward to viewing everyone’s work.  It’s always inspiring to see what others create.

                                                            Denise Mueller
                                                              • 13
                                                              • Rookie

                                                              Hello everyone,

                                                              My name is Denise and I am VERY new to this.  I know I’m a couple of days behind but I’ll try and catch up.  I’m using PSP ultimate 2020 but could use a lot of help with the basics.   So, even if I don’t know anything about scrapbooking, I’m sure I’ll pick up some great help from this bootcamp.



                                                              Denise Mueller
                                                                • 13
                                                                • Rookie

                                                                Well, here is my sandwich.   After resizing the image.   I did not know if I should save it as JPG or PPSimage to upload.  I saved to JPG to make sure not to take up too many bites!

                                                                No tomatoes in my sandwich…   I don’t care for them….

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