Reply To: October BINGO Challenge

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Challenges October BINGO Challenge Reply To: October BINGO Challenge

Annie Tobin
    • 2938
    • Superfan

    Michele, I hear you my sweet. Time consumed on working out shadows has me tearing my hair out, lol!
    Cristina, thanks for your comment my friend. It would appear that we are all shadow ignorant! Ribbons get me in a real knot … they may be a small addition to the page but if the shadow is incorrect it can make the page frightful. Do you also have a problem with ferns or live critters in a cluster? If I use a cluster that is put together by a designer then I tend to leave it alone but it becomes an issue if the designers shadowing does not fit in with my page. if I am putting the cluster together myself it becomes a constant battle. Should I shadow as I am going along or once it is merged (which seems silly as items in the cluster are overlapping and will cast a shadow on the items behind). Yes Cassel, I think we need help with these “Shadow Horrors”, LOL!

    Enjoy our Christmas Countdown, from Dec 1 to 24.