Reply To: Love Story Challenge 2019

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom Love Story Challenge 2019 Reply To: Love Story Challenge 2019

Barbara Hall
    • 99
    • Junior

    @Nana Ray:  I don’t know if I can help or not.  Can you see all of the different layers over on the bottom right of your screen?  If so:

    1.  click on the layer that has the dark blob (mask) on it and click “select all” (I probably do this the long way, but I go to the top of the screen, click on “Selections” and then click on select all)

    2. push shift and “f” together–another layer will appear with the (mask) blob and a padlock

    3. click on the same layer you did in #1.  Go to the top of the work space where file, edit, view, etc. are and click on layers–under that click on “new mask layer” and click on “show all” (there’s probably some shortcut to doing this, but I don’t know it)

    4.  over in your layers palette, drag the mask layer with the padlock on it down to the one that just opened up in #3

    5.  push shift and “d”–the mask on the screen will turn white

    6.  at the top of the screen click on image and go down until you see negative image and click on that–and you should have a mask


    Is that what you needed?


    Enjoy our Christmas Countdown, from Dec 1 to 24.