
3D Star

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  • #11714
    Sheila Hogg
      • 468
      • Enthusiast

      Here is my go at making the 3D Star as shown by Cassel following last nights monthly seminar Christmas 2. I did tweak the selection and brightness contrast bit slightly differently by expanding by a couple of pixels before using the brightness contrast tool. I found this made my image look more folded than bent. I did have to make sure the contrasts were more pronounced but still keep it subtle. Any how, TFL.



      Sheila xx

        • 396
        • Enthusiast

        Very pretty, Sheila.  You made good use out of Cassel’s class.  🙂

        Sheila Hogg
          • 468
          • Enthusiast

          Thank you Dianne. I love Cassel’s seminars and tuts. She can take something ordinary and make magic. So clever.


          Sheila xx

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