Scrapbooking Theme – Reunions

The year 2020 is finally coming to an end and that means your list of events will surely be filled with some of the most anticipated reunions you’ve been hoping for. Although 2020 must have been a very tough year for most of us, some people are still finding ways to be able to meet up or reconnect with their families and old-time buddies. There are people who decide to just hit the road and visit the people they’ve not seen much while others prefer to do their reunions virtually. Zoom, Skype, Google Meet are just some of the best apps they use for a safe, ‘social distanced’ get-together. 

When did you have a reunion with your family or colleagues? We’re pretty sure you have stored a number of precious pictures from your previous gatherings. To give you some inspiration, we collected these wonderful layouts so you’ll have more ideas for your next fun scrapbook project.

Family Reunion

A family reunion is one of the most common types of gathering. It is even considered a great tradition in many households. It is an occasion when members of an extended family like great-grandparents, grandparents, and other relatives congregate. This event can be held regularly and some people usually schedule it on the same date of every year.

Layout by Betty

Layout by Tish

Class Reunion

A class reunion is a type of event where you meet up with your former classmates. It is usually held near your former school and is often organized by one or more class members. This is an opportunity to catch up with old classmates but aside from that, it is also a great way to help others who are in need.

Layout by Tish

Page by Bethany

Layout by Jennwraspir

Project by KeddyO

Layout by Djp332

Colleagues & Organization Reunions

You might have heard a lot about family and school reunions, but what about a reunion with your colleagues from work or the organization you are part of? Yes, it does exist! Although, many think it is just a great excuse to have a party and catch up with former co-workers. But hey! It is still good to keep in touch with the people you’ve been with for quite some time and just have a good laugh.

Layout by Toni

Layout by Christine

Friends Reunion

This is a special type of event where you gather with some of your most beloved people whom you call ‘your gang’ or ‘partners in crime’. It might happen more often than the others mentioned above, depending on the distance or location and availability. A reunion with your friends is usually more fun and comfier as you are surrounded by people whom you really trust. 

So, when was the last time you met up with your friends and had a good time?

Layout by Apanf

Page by LIS

Layout by Toni

Project by Toni

Layout by Toni

Page by Toni

Layout by Dalicce


Do you have photos to showcase from a favorite reunion? It could be among family members, friends, colleagues, schoolmates, etc. This quick-page will allow you to showcase 4 photos, including a wider one where you can feature your group photo!

Click HERE to get your quick-page.

For Photos That Matter

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