
Theme – Paper

People all over the globe use millions of metric tons of paper every year. Luckily, it is one of the most recyclable materials. It is said to be a sustainable product since paper, which is usually made from wood pulp, can be easily reused, recycled, and renewed. Although not all paper products can be considered recyclable, there are still a whole lot of them that can be reused such as magazines, newspapers, and office papers.

Have you tried recycling papers? Do you collect paper scraps simply because they’re too pretty to throw away? Or maybe you keep some papers because they hold memories you don’t want to forget? Whatever it may be, we hope that the layouts featured here will spark your interest to put those papers into good use and flaunt them in a scrapbook project.


Newspapers have been around for millennia. Although people nowadays seldom read the news in print because of the digital transformation, we cannot deny that it became a big part of our lives. Newspapers brought us news and information longer than any media platform. We used to keep updated with the local and even international happenings through the help of this paper.

Have you or someone you know been featured or mentioned in a newspaper? Why not show how special it is for you by displaying it in a layout? Or at least, use some newspaper as a background to your story.

Layout by Pauline

Layout by Pauline

Layout by Pauline

Layout by Tricia

Layout by Lisa


Unlike newspapers, magazines are usually printed on a glossy paper. They are heavily illustrated and very attractive in terms of appearance. Magazines cover a wide variety of topics and genres that are sure to entertain any reader.

Do you like collecting magazines? Have you ever dreamed of seeing a photo of yourself in a well-known magazine?

Layout by Janice

Layout by Bonnie

Layout by Lauri D

Layout by Rae


Just like newspapers, books are made from paper. The pages of a book are usually flat, white sheets where you can print letters and pictures on. There are a lot of different kinds of books. What type of books do you enjoy reading?

Layout by Amy

Layout by Karen

Layout by Delusional1

Cards & Invitations

Most cards and invitations are made from high-quality paper. Unlike the ordinary paper we know, they are usually shiny and have a smooth surface. Other cards and invitations can be textured and some may even have a fragrant scent. But one thing is for sure, they are durable and very appealing to the eyes.

Have you tried creating cards and invitations for your loved ones? Or have you kept one yourself as a remembrance of a memorable event? Why not showcase them in your next project!

Layout by Anne-Marie; Designer: Silvia Romeo Designs

Layout by Anyang

You can always scan or photograph your own papers or cards, but sometimes, you want something just generic enough to use as a background for a project. You can use one of these three full-size newspaper.

Click HERE to get your set of Newspapers papers.

For Photos That Matter

7 thoughts on “Theme – Paper”

  1. Thank you so much for the newspaper idea! I have always thought of using biblical pages and this has helped!
    As for the grandson, my heartfelt congratulations! When little Xavier is old enough, please tell him that he was born during the best month of the year!

  2. I’m going to join in to thank you for these papers as well as congratulating you and your family on your new addition. First one is special. Best wishes to the new parents and the sweet child. So much fun ahead!

  3. Thank you for this theme! Newspapers have always been a big part of my life; I met my husband when we worked together at our daily paper in the advertising department!
    Congratulations on the birth of Xavier; the first grandchild is surely special! Please pass on my good wishes to the happy parents!

  4. Thank you for the papers! and CONGRATULATIONS on the new grandbaby!! I know that is exciting. So glad you are free to visit. Here in the States, you probably would not be able to because of the Virus.

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