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Lesley Maple

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Posts posted by Lesley Maple

  1. I found the fifth project a difficult one as far as design goes.  I had forgotten the tip that I learned in a different class that if you don't change the text inside a self-wrapping selection that it will disappear on you when you resize.  But when my text disappeared, I remembered and didn't panic.   The papers and elements are from the May Flowers mini kit at digitalscrapbooking.com


    This is inside the chapel at Dog Mountain (St. Johnsbury, VT)



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  2. This is my 4th project. No long story for this one.  I really didn't come up with any "fun" way to do the title.  Papers were from Janet Kemp's Pond Life kit and the elements were from Jessica Dunn's kit Swim with the Fishes.  Both kits available at digitalscrapbooking.com.  Photos taken at a local pond.


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  3. I knew exactly what I wanted to do when this project was given to us.  About 10 years ago I quit my job as a lawyer and decided that I really wanted to work with and for dogs. I became a dog walker and pet sitter by day and in my free time I volunteer at my local animal shelter and smaller rescues from time to time.  Oh and I'm mom to three dogs. The dog on the left was rescued by the ASPCA along with approximately 300 other hounds in a cruelty/neglect case in Vermont last winter.  Our shelter took in about a dozen of the adult hounds and about 20 of the puppies.  The rest were sent to various shelters around the country.  His new mom & dad sent the shelter an update and a picture.  He's living the life and a healthy weight now.  The middle dog was transported from Texas to Massachusetts and ended up in our shelter where he quickly found a home.  The third dog was on a cross country trip thanks to a Great Pyrenees rescue organization to meet his parents to be.  I drove him on one leg of his trip.  Sometimes it can be soul crushing but these are three success stories.

    As for the papers and elements, all came from MarissaL's Pets kit except for the Love element which came from Gina Jones' Fido kit  and the glitter which came from the link that Cassel gave us for glitter in the email.



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  4. I wasn't sure which way I wanted to go with Project 2.  First I was thinking about using a dog picture again but then I figured I'd use a picture of me riding my motorcycle out of a covered bridge but I'm going to save that for a different project.  

    So I settled on this.  Every October, there is a motorcycle ride to raise money for a local cancer center.  This year there were more than 800 motorcycles taking part.  Folks dress up in pink (even though it's for all forms of cancer, they've adopted the color pink since the ride is in October) and there is a big party/luncheon afterwards.  This is the view from my windshield (GoPro was mounted there). 


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  5. I'm just now doing this workshop and I'm learning a lot (I know I say that every time I post) and I actually have a project I made that I'm pretty pleased with.  I think the template was from the Lesson 2.wforbjuq83wtphnc24z86hed2yt875kg.jpg
  6. I've learned so much during this workshop.  Thanks so much for it.  The only question I have is "locking the transparency". I see what I do to lock and unlock the transparency but what is it that I'm actually doing?  What does it mean to lock the transparency?


    Thanks so much

  7. I am learning SOOOO much about how to use PSP.  I've literally owned copies of this program since the 90s back when JASC still owned it (I think my first version was 3) but never really explored this part of the program.  Thanks so much for making this understandable.  I just don't know that I'll ever be able to keep track of all the layers.  Does it come with experience or are there tips to keeping them all straight?
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