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Bonnie Ballentine

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Everything posted by Bonnie Ballentine

  1. K = knot...as in tying the knot.
  2. I created this layout in 2018 as a part of the Mask Workshop. Of course, I just posted many wedding layouts in January.
  3. Thank you, Corrie! Yes, it is a great memory. It is wonderful how many kind people there are in this world!
  4. My pickleball trip was sooo much fun! Everyone was so kind and helpful with Judy. She told me she wasn't going the night before we were to leave. I had to call her best friend to talk her in to going. She said she would go but she wasn't playing pickleball. I said, "OK", but the first time we went to the courts, she jumped right in to play and played everyday. Everyone loved her instantly. She was cheerfully greeted everywhere and received numerous hugs. Her partner for the clinic was great and they won the silver medal at the end of the clinic. We went with a group of 10 and played games every afternoon and evening...so much fun! There was another group from Massachusetts and the loved joining us for games. We made wonderful friends! This layout is of one of our group who had a "Truth or Dare" . She chose "Dare" and was asked to smile as big and wide as she could and hold it for 2 minutes. We now know 2 minutes is too long and tortuous. Her cheeks were sore the next day.
  5. I use to bake a lot and also cook. Now I seldom bake but do all the cooking. I have a very thin blade knife I got from my parents. It was a give away at a gas station if you purchased a certain amount of gas...lots of years ago. It is the last piece of that set. It is perfect for slicing cake and I guard it, making sure no one walks off with it. It rusts easily so I make sure to dry it immediately after washing it.
  6. Day 7...In addition to the two in the layout, their Father came to help...or check on them They were very thorough and did a great job. Another neighbor who owns a tractor plowed our driveway and, of course, the dog was a big help! I have wonderful neighbors!
  7. Day 6...two of the children on our street came to shovel our sidewalk. They are 7 and 9. I'm pretty sure this was the first time they had shoveled snow. It was very much appreciated.
  8. Corrie, I am almost "really old"...79. Age is just a number to me. Some say your age is the number of years the world has been enjoying you. I did realize yesterday that others see me as really old. Two neighbor children came over to shovel my sidewalk and a neighbor who owns a tractor came to plow my driveway. While I can still do those things, it was a real blessing to have the help this time. I am really enjoying this workshop. I have day 6 almost complete but all of you will have to wait until I return. I leave tomorrow for sunny, warm (hopefully) Florida for a pickleball clinic. It will be a nice change from our frigid and snow covered ground. I am flying this time so I will not take a computer. I'll have my tablet so I hope to be able to check in but will have no new layouts until I return on Thursday PM. Judy is so confused by this trip, she has been no help and at times a real hinderance. Any change to the "normal" routine throws her for a loop. We will not be taking any other trips for a long time. This trip was planned months ago and I did not realize how quickly Judy would decline. Thankfully, we are traveling with friends who really love Judy and will help where they can. Of course, they should not give up any of the activities they paid for. I am sure it will be a delightful time...and we plan lots of board games too! Everyone stay warm, keep creativing and I'll see you when I get back.
  9. I = ice...for treating soreness.
  10. Meows Regular. I think I got it from Creative Fabricia.
  11. I worked around. Selected the pawprint paper, went to the background paper, promoted selection to layer and moved it directly below the pawprint paper. Added shadow to the promoted selection. Problem solved. There may be a simiplier solution but this is what I did.
  12. Day 5 My cat, Rocky, who crossed the Rainbow Bridge many years ago. Rocky was a rescue and already named when I got her. She was named by children. I also had a male cat, Misty...also a rescue and named by children. Carole, the white circle inside the stitching...I achieved the brown pawprints using a blend mode...white paper, black pawprints, background paper. I had to hide the original white circle but am unable to add a shadow without changing the colors...the blend mode works with the layer directly underneath.
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