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Bonnie Ballentine

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Everything posted by Bonnie Ballentine

  1. Thank you, Doska. I thought about you when I added so many elements. You know I seldom use any.
  2. X = Xerography: Printing Thank you, Google.
  3. I have them drawn...now to save them as pngs. Maybe this weekend.
  4. I used the paint brush and drew the letters. Thank you, Ann!
  5. I recently participated in a pickleball clinic. One of the instructors was Ron. He is nationally and internationally known referee for pickleball. Just had to have a picture...
  6. Template by MsFish and is a part of February's A Love For Layout Templates Blog Train. Blue paper and elements from Digital Scrapbooking, Reniassance Faire bundle.
  7. Easter, 2023. My niece and my nephew's soon to be fiancee. We usually have a craft for special occasions. Template 4 by Lady 22.
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