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Jannette Nieuwboer

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Everything posted by Jannette Nieuwboer

  1. Bonnie and what about those who are allergic to cats, they are doomed to remain unhappy??? I am allergic to all hairy animals. ? But I like your sweety pie.
  2. Thanks, Carole. for your info. I will install it.
  3. 2 questions about this. 1/Where can I find a trustworthy site to download this? 2/ Which PS P version is best to put this in since I have two versions running, 2018 and 2023. (I don't want to download anything from filehippo)
  4. I had given up also Mary. But when it was mentioned here I poke my nose in it again. but failed again. I made neon letters too. few weeks/months ago.
  5. MARY!! You did an excellent job, but spring flowers in October??? We have a plant here called Autumn Crocus. Its called Colchicum. See pic. looks like the spring crocus.
  6. I just received an answer from Corel technical support regarding abr files. there answer: . I'm afraid there are no options in PaintShop Pro that can convert these brushes from PhotoShop. Thank you. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any further questions.
  7. I'm in too. But on Saturday 21 Oct. some of my grandkids come to visit me. One of them is ICTer. He will watch my laptop. He might restore my laptop to factory settings, cause my 'Thefonthing' is put down by Microsoft. A PC virus crept into it in the spring. Now they think it comes from there. Or do their computers think so? He said over the phone that that is the best thing in these situations. Then it will take some time before I get everything back on track.
  8. That must have been before my diamond membership. So I can't help you out.
  9. Now that the fairytale months have arrived, I can't stay behind. NO Halloween here. Nevertheless, I am in a fairytale mood. The scrap kit is from Adrienne's design AI. To be able to place the stairs against the mushroom I had to make the base of the mushroom a little wider with the warp tool. I just installed some windows in it too. It came from a castle. The grass just comes out of our picture brush.
  10. As far as the weather is concerned, it has indeed been a strange year and much too wet. Not nice spring weather at first. Then much too dry in the summer. and now much too hot for the time of year. This was always reflected in nature.
  11. Juni 10 2023. Or nothing happened. Just silent witnesses. Unbelievable what just one short storm can do.
  12. Photo 1 was taken in the park close to my home today. Unfortunately no color explosion here. Only the chestnut tree turns a bit yellow. Some trees have already been blown dry. Photo 2 was taken on July 5, 2023. The northwest of the Netherlands was hit by storm Poly. In the small town where I live alone, 600 huge trees were blown down. Thousands and thousands in the rest of the area. They broke off like matchsticks. The storm lasted only an hour and a half. Police, fire brigade, people from the local green team as well and volunteers work hard together to get the roads passable again. And to this day, not everything has been cleared up. It was about 10 o'clock in the morning when the storm was at its worst. Our alarm app was blaring loudly. STAY INSIDE IT IS DANGEROUS OUTSIDE was the message. A woman was killed when a tree fell on their car. My neighbors had a solar panel blow-off.
  13. That is the nice thing about this platform. We are all so different from each other. We seem like a good-sounding orchestra together.
  14. quote, I changed the font for the main text Heading. As I didn't like the font used for the font challenge. Although it isn't Halloween themed, it is a very seasonal, appropriate page, for this time of year. We must make choices in this hobby as well as in our daily lives. Subject, A theme, Colors, Arrangement. My first choice is always the subject, the most difficult one. Sometimes I use at the same time two windows beside each other and make them different. In all these years I collected thousands and thousands of scrapkits and single pngs. I've all the mushrooms in one file. Leaves in another etc. etc. And on top I've made color files. Then I open the organizer and make a choice. That's my way of working.
  15. No, Sue, I have nothing in mind. It was just a try. I had it in my mind from yesterday so I wanted to give it a try. I tried 2 the letter and the bevel. I think that the precision cursor will do this job better than the normal one. Although I did my very best to grab the points I was "miles" from them so here and there, I was happy that I could remove the segments a bit to give it a better look. I don't know if I am right. But when I put my left ear on my left shoulder my figure changes. That doesn't happen to the left. ?‍♂️ Might be up to my eyes?
  16. Yes, I did it. my first attempt to cut a letter into pieces and fill. For the first time, I just used a gradient in different directions and gave it a bevel.
  17. this is my in-laws' wedding photo. Unfortunately, I don't know who everyone in the photo is. The original photo was very yellowed and I made it black and white.
  18. It is more difficult than it looks, Julie. I'll give an example. A child was born to one family, but another older child died on the same day. No story. It must have been dramatic given their reaction. They moved to another part of the country soon afterward. I have no clues as to what happened. Was the mother in labor and did something happen to the other child? Or did the mother go into labor out of fright because something happened to the older baby? To secure stone you need cement, for a story, you also need some "cement". Sometimes it's okay to use your imagination, but in this case I don't think it's appropriate. That's why I got stuck at this point. These are just the facts. And facts alone are not interesting. But I feel very much sorry for this family.
  19. This is quite a story. This is a kind of 'backpack' you carry. Because you've been wearing it all your life, you don't notice it anymore. Do you mean by saying this "she was unable to have children" that she was mentally not able to take care of them and bring children up? There must be a reason for she couldn't. Your adoptive parents must love children in general very much. You are lucky with such parents. It seems to me that you have 4 siblings is a kind of comfort to you. You are right, you can change the facts. I wish you all the "peace of mind" there is. When you need someone I'm listening. Just email me.
  20. I always wondered what it must be to be adopted. I mean: How my reaction would be? Knowing me, I'm never satisfied, I want to know more always. I'm able to tell many stories I came across during my search. Some of them are very sad. You'll be amazed at what you can still bring back after so many years. Sometimes I can't sleep about what I had learned that night. I've been a few times have been writing a book starring my ancestors. but reality doesn't make it a fun read. I don't think anyone will want to read it.?
  21. That's an interesting family tree you've mentioned. We don't have such a famous part in both our trees. ?
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