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Ann Seeber

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Posts posted by Ann Seeber

  1. Vicki - here's a quicker way. Go to File/Export as a .jpg. The result will be automatically flattened but NOT your original .pspimage or .psd file, which will remain intact. I always duplicate my text vector layers and change to raster. They might be lost in a .psd. Photoshop doesn't support vectors. (I think)
  2. I just did Carole's Subway Art challenge from her blog. They are meant to be printed and possibly framed on the wall bur I made a digital version with a frame. The quotes are from an old daily meditations book called Courage to Change. Each line of text is separate on a vector layer so you can pull them out and change if needed. I also duplicated them and made raster copies in order to back up the text and make it stronger without a shadow.
  3. Mireille: Google translated your location to English for me. You said: "I live in the south of France in Marseille, a city founded by the Greeks 2,600 years ago."


    I seriously would like to be there today! The temperature is -2C here today! Brrr! I hope Marseille is warmer.


    Welcome to our chatty group. :)

  4. Hi Carole: I don't see my pin on the map. Possibly you put it in New Jersey? I'm attaching a clip of that map showing the Middletown (city) New York, where I am. Actually, here's two clips.. one is larger and shows the state lines of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania aka the Tri-States. I used the marker tool in PSP. Handy, dandy! Hope this helps.
  5. Here's my November Sketch Challenge layout. I used the two bird photos I took of the tufted titmouse twins but I used a Corel free script on the lower one which changed it to Minimalist Gray 4, an interesting effect. Otherwise the two photos were too similar and the gold seed in the birdfeeder was overpowering.


    I also got free Thanksgiving clip-art from Corel and used it here. The cluster top right is called a "badge" and comes with a thick white border in a transparent background. I'm not sure what to do with it but I colored the white border green. Corel has a freebie every Friday in the Discovery Center.

  6. Here's my shot at the November Sketch Challenge. I somehow feel like this kind of layout is from earlier classes, probably because I did the Bootcamp in July and again in September! I think I got it now! :)


    These are my little twin tufted titmice that just arrived this fall. I was on the Corel site and downloaded some freebies.. one is a script that treats a photo to become what they call Minimalist Gray 4. I tried it on the bottom photo on my layout; I like the effect. Also got the freebie Thanksgiving clip art package and used it for fall decor here.


    My PSP 2021 keeps freezing up. This time when I was downsizing for posting here. I shut down my computer, waited a bit and when I reopened I went to PSP2020 as I think the cache in 2021 got overwhelmed. I'll have to look at my preferences; I think I told it to do something that's causing my problems.


    Here's my twin birdies!

  7. Sue: I'm admiring that Christmas Grouse! Never saw one before! ;) You mention Carol's "punches" .. what is that? (The journaling on the card has a typo.. the plural of reindeer is still reindeer.. without the "s")


    I'm trying to decide with to do with these photos I just took of the new visitors I have.. the tufted titmouse twins.. they're so cute!

  8. Sue: That Christmas card is beautiful! Every element is so well coordinated. I particularly like the corner decorations. And of course, the blue jay could be here, right outside my window in the wild cherry tree, with the evergreen nearby. I long for a camera that would create the blurred effect behind the many birds I try to photograph with my iPhone. My neighborhood is far from serene. I lived in the country for years and am now recently back to city/suburban living which I enjoy as that is the atmosphere I grew up in.


    Here's an example of what I have to deal with when I photograph birds here from my kitchen window. I haven't seen this mockingbird recently, hopefully in the spring:

  9. Sue: I think moose look so comical!


    What I know of Wales I learned from reading Sharon Kay Penman's Welsh Princes Trilogy: Here be Dragons, Falls the Shadow and The Reckoning.


    I loved learning about Llewelyn, Prince of North Wales and his marriage to the English King John's illegitimate daughter, Joanna, supposedly to secure a peace after years of conflict. Exciting stuff in the 13th Century!

  10. Lynda: Neat the way the wine glass shape became a cocktail glass - with a cherry!


    Sue: In reading your post again, I focused on your city, Saskatoon. I looked it up and you are a little over 1700 miles from me here in New York, but just the name, Saskatoon, sounds more like some exotic location in the far reaches of the Canadian wilderness! I love the wild west so you're probably living my childhood dream!

  11. Karon, I just saw your Crow and Cackle but couldn't read it off your layout, so I copied it off the internet:


    "The Dear Hunter:

    "Crow And Cackle"


    The Crow and Cackle of persistent innocence.

    Elated in argument.

    I'm empty and wondering

    if you're only saying what I wanted you to say.


    Cause you're only saying

    what I wanted to say.


    So I'll just wait until our time

    Slips through the cracks

    fall to the ground

    shattering. I'll just keep

    waiting for something to improve.

    Something to move ahead.


    Cause I'm only saying

    what you wanted me to say.


    The slow and steady sound of silence

    hunts us down.

    I'm empty and wondering

    what you sent me, what you're offering."


    Your layout is really nice and the lyrics are also.


    Lynda: Yes, I just read his book "And the Answer is... "  That photo is from the cover of the book. In it he confesses that he was happy to don a hairpiece when he did chemo because he was losing his hair anyway. He said.."wish I did this sooner!" <3

  12. Still revising my Drinks layout..I took inspiration from Lynda and embellished my drinks shapes and added a can of my Folgers coffee to match the bottle of my 14 Hands wine. LOL.. these drinks are very personal for me.


    I'm also sad as I just learned that Alex Trebek, the host of Jeopardy! has passed away today. My all time fav.  :'(


    Oh, sorry, I forgot to scale the picture of Alex Trebek.

  13. Re-posting with changes.


    I followed Carole's directions for embellishing the wine glass and coffee cup shapes.


    EDIT: Revised my layout inspired by Lynda and please give me a new assignment! With the two side by side you can see the little adjustments I made. I just can't help fiddling..... lol

  14. Bonnie: Your calendar is so enjoyable! The friendship and love just flow from your pages. I particularly liked the December color layout. Hadn't seen a calendar page with white type and art before. Well done!


    This past 2 weeks have been intense with 13 pages to create that I feel a distinct loss .. a letdown.. with nothing in the pipeline..yet. In hopeful anticipation for the webinar on Sunday and whatever November brings from Carole.. !



  15. Jnet: That is the way I do it for one photo behind multiple masks. It works for me.


    James: Thank you for taking the time to address my print problem. I may just punt the whole job to my daughter in CA. She's a professional architect and also a professional in fine arts so I'm sure has access to better printing than I have, or at least knows more, in any case.


    Sue: I just saw your post. I've had the dark effect before with photos of people. I rarely print anyway, just this calendar seems to call for it. As I said to James, I think I'll let my daughter take on the chore..it's for their family, anyway.


    And I love your Orb Spider.. (I have a soft spot for spiders, myself). I haven't seen one here in the city but used to get one every year just outside my back door at my previous abode in the country. I'd carefully open the door so as not to destroy it's web.

  16. Here are my November and December. The turkeys and fence decorating November are Picture Tubes. The blonde holding Magic in her strawberry cap is my daughter, Debbie. Her birthday is slotted in on Dec. 28 and she'll be turning 60 this year.. my now I feel old!


    As I mentioned on the Facebook page, the technique I use to display one photo in several adjoining frames is to place the same photo into each of the masks and use the pick tool to carefully align them. If there's as easier way I'd be delighted to hear it!


    Also, moving forward, if anyone prints your own calendar, which I might do, what size and quality of paper do you use? I tried on some Epson Premium Presentation Paper MATTE 44 lb. which is 8" x 10" but the print always came up short, cutting off the bottom. I have an Epsom Workforce Pro printer and most of my printing comes out dark, especially people's faces. Any suggestions?


    Everyone's pages are awesome! I've been basically trying to use up all the baby photos flowing from No. Cal. before the holidays hit and the next influx of photos begins. lol

  17. Here is my Lennox family calendar (my kids on the other coast) They will be small but hopefully you'll get an idea of my theme. I have yet to do the cover. Probably not until tomorrow. Lynda and Sue your pages are so gorgeous! You inspire me!!
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