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Barbara Caulton

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Everything posted by Barbara Caulton

  1. oh I see now, it did go where it should .. Sorry ..
  2. Thank you so much . I am sure I replied to you a while ago Sue but it has not shown up here, another learning curve no doubt !
  3. Thank you so much Ann. You or someone else must have mentioned this before, I did do this but then forgot about it ! Thank you for the reminder!! I now have a "post it note" to remind me. So much to learn and remember but so enjoying this workshop and all the help is amazing. At the moment I have 16 tabs for the site open it is no wonder I get lost !!
  4. Scrap boot Camp. Day 5. Project 2 Hi everyone .I think I have posted this in a couple of places as I got a bit confused, and just when I thought I was navigating the site quite well!! .I think I am in the correct place now. My apologies. The raindrop papers were from my subscription to Creative Fabrica and the graphics were a purchase from the web site Nitwits. The very dirty pup Jodi was having a great adventure in the rain at our holiday caravan. I have struggled to get to grips with layers but since doing the sandwich project it has fallen into place so easily. Thank you so much Carole. I am so enjoying this workshop.
  5. ops I think I am in the wrong place for the October bootcamp and I thought I was doing well navigating the site !! Maybe someone can direct me to where I should be please .
  6. Hi everyone .Following a lot of e mails back and forth, thank you so much Carole, I think I might be finding my way around, but there again if this is in the wrong place I clearly have not ! The photograph is of my Retriever, Oona, sadly now at Rainbows Bridge but her antics still bring a smile to my face. I have never done a workshop before or indeed been on a forum so this is a big learning curve !
  7. Thank you so much Ann.I have posted my sandwich somewhere !!
  8. Silly me !! It is on here I post I think !! I am using the Complete ultimate interface in PSP 22 Ultimate .My workspace colour is dark grey and my background colour is medium grey. I am using the Standard tool bar. I am using Layers, Materials, and Tool Options.I have tabbed window which I find very helpful.I have made my icon and font size larger. I have hopefully attached a photo on which I will remove the red lead and the person running in the background using the clone tool. If this is not in the in correct place please accept my apologies
  9. Silly me !! It is on here I post I think !!
  10. Good morning to all. I am newbie from the UK. I have never done anything like this workshop before and have never used a forum so I have no idea how to post in one! I need to post how I have set up my Psp as per yesterdays boot camp instructions . I found this area by chance but it looks like this area is to say hello. Any advice would be most welcome. Thank you.
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