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Barbara Caulton

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Everything posted by Barbara Caulton

  1. @Cassel No time like the present so I reset the preferences. The worst that could happen is I would have to use x8 for a while while I reinstalled! No joy with the delete key BUT I recovered things I had lost eg. the undo & redo arrows were missing I had to go to Edit undo redo. The delete key is not a problem I am quite happy to use the alternative! Thank you so much again.
  2. Thank you again. All 3 worked. If only I had asked on Monday !
  3. Thank you so much . I will try this.
  4. Thank you so much .Eraser tool never thought of that. Masks are a very new concept to me .Your video is excellent and so easy to understand. I am watching it minute by minute on a second screen and doing each step on another screen. I dont know the program well enough to think outside the box yet ! I will try tomorrow. Thank you again.
  5. What a nightmare !! My laptop keyboard has decided it will not delete in PSP 23 therefore I could not use the template. There is no other way I could find to delete except to delete the whole layer. I put another keyboard in ..no luck . I used another computer no luck. It would delete in any program but PSP23.So looks like a reinstall. I tried in PSPx8 and hey ho all working again on the same laptop! So I have managed to put something together for day 1.Probably a lot of mistakes but at least I didn't loose the will to live !! It is a shot of my son on one of his diving jaunts .The background was just using a blue from the photo and adding a texture. .The other papers and graphics were from a kit called Dancing with whales.
  6. I found the prida01 font for free on 1001fonts
  7. Forgotten if I "reply to topic or start new thread" Apologies if I got it wrong ! What a learning curve this all is. I started the January page and noticed how some of you had changed so many different things on day one or 2two and thought I had to try to do the same! What a disaster, computer nearly going in the bin ! I was then taking care of a friends 6 three week old puppies and the mother dog while they took a short break. Calendars were no longer foremost in my mind but puppy gazing was ! I now realized some of you have done this before. I didn't realize that each day Carole would give us further instructions. I might be 74 but I don't expect my brain to do this to me , what an idiot I was !! So today I have followed each days tutorial to the letter and tried to apply it to January at least . I had no idea that a character map existed or how to do so many of the things in the 7 day tutorial. I changed the colors on some dates to correspond with my Blue Green and Brown refuse bins being emptied .The purple jacket had something on I needed to remove and have already learnt to brush over in the purple and I added a snowflake to detract from a large purple area. Any graphics were from Pixidoodles. Have a nice day everyone
  8. @CasselThank you Carole and Ann. I really need to do more work on masks. I need more hours in the day. !!
  9. Think I might have to rethink the text it is not very visible but will do a print out first I think, but my bedtime in the uk now ! Tomorrow is another day to look forward to !
  10. Hi everyone .I am in also .My photo didn't go on the "photo here" layer. It made a new layer so already gone wrong and only on Day 1 !! It is still behind the overlay so I think it will still work. It is defiantly going to be user error again !.Seem to get a lot of this these days ! Have fun all ..
  11. @CasselThank you for the link. I will certainly give that a go !
  12. @Jannette NieuwboerThank you so much for that. I really thought I was loosing my mind .The video was excellent and I am going to do the journaling on a new page on its own without all the other layers in the project! I have much to learn in basic text . I have not attempted journaling before in PSP or much else to be honest. Life is a learning curve and I am sure there are videos on the site that will help or I will turn to you lovely people for advice .Thank you.
  13. Melanie, I too could not get the journaling text to behave ! I even ended up with a drop shadow I could not erase ! It was by far the most difficult for me but I learnt so much. The video presentation was straightforward and concise it was pure user error on my part! I love your colours , textures and sentiment. As my last project says "every picture tells a story" some very precious us.
  14. What a learning curve!! . Merge down to keep the squares and then mirror, brilliant . The text was a major headache, my accept icon had gone walkabouts and I couldn't get rid of the box of the long wording ! No way could I get my paper to show in the patterns box to do the heading hence the black text ! I had reverted to PSP X8 from 22 as the pick tool wasn't working on that one! User error I am sure and tomorrow is a new day. This has been an amazing journey with an excellent tutor and amazing new friends. Take care all, until the next time Oh the papers were Mary Frans again from the Nitwits site The bees were Creative Fabrica
  15. @Cassel Thank you for those kind words. I am doing much better at following your amazing videos than I am posting my project in the correct place! Help has been amazing and hopefully I will remember for my last one . So sad it is coming to an end and the next Workshop is months away but can appreciate the time and effort they take. . But I think I can still follow your previous ones but without the forum. Hopefully this is in the correct place!
  16. Lots of treats and supervision given whilst taking these photos ! Graphics are Mary Fran's "aintmisbehavin" from the Nitwits site Papers are from Mary Fran's Farley friends from the Nitwits site Thank you for all the help to get me this far !!
  17. Now I see it has posted itself on here twice !! The first one was in the gallery! Maybe the gallery automatically posts it here .??
  18. Day 7 Project 3 Still confused .. I saved the link to my bookmarks as Ann suggested and remembered this time to click it , but I feel as if I have posted this on Susans page! Do I start a new topic at the at the top of the boot camp page or click like I think I just did ...on reply !! apologies Susan if I have it wrong again. I have used the graduated paper and the glitter from Creative Fabrica, The graphics are Mary Frans "Woofs" I think it was from the Nitwits site. One thing I have learnt ...If it from the whole workshop it has to be how easy layers are after doing the sandwich. If it is one thing from today it has to be how to fill a selection from a pattern using a tile!
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