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Barbara Caulton

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Everything posted by Barbara Caulton

  1. Day 11 Project 5 Finally got this done. Computer or user error. The latter most likely the problem. File just would not open so therefore could not change file to a Jpeg.
  2. Hi Ann. If we have a poorly dog we would give them chicken and cooked rice as it is gentle on their stomach, the owner had made rice pudding with puppy milk as an introduction to weaning to thicken the milk before using soaked puppy kibble .When my friend sent me the photo it was the comment she had put on, apparently they loved it !
  3. DAY 9 PROJECT 4 I have kept the same colour scheme for continuity as it is the puppies journey to their forever homes . Papers and graphics are Nit wits Pawsitivity and Gina Jones Fido.
  4. DAY 7 PROJECT 3 I could not stand the fuzzy edges and the mistakes on the shadowing so I have redone it! Thank you Carole, my opacity was like you suggested way to low and the fuzzy edges were due to the feathering being on ! As I had called it Pawsome I thought I should have some pawprints !
  5. @Cassel Thank you for the observation re the shadows, I could have both problems ! I will check. Re the fuzzy edges. I couldn't understand why then suddenly I realized it was the feathered edge that was on but it was too late as I had all ready posted it ! But again thank you for the observation I really appreciate all the help.
  6. I have just realised that my selections of the green and the stripped paper have feathered edges. It was not my intention but the fact I did not check if feathering was on! another lesson learnt ..
  7. Thank you Sue. Yes it certainly does make it easier . I was lucky enough for the owner to send me photos and allow me to use them on here.
  8. Project 3. A bit late with this one .Puppies again I am afraid ! 5 weeks old on here, growing fast and now exploring time out of the whelping box under the watchful eye of Mum. I have used Gina Jones Fido elements and papers along with Nit Wits papers. I have duplicated the flower and layered them .Hope everyone is having as much fun as me !
  9. @cassel I recieved the Day 4 email on 14th March at 11.08 UK time .Thank you
  10. Day 5 project 2. Puppies again, this time the pups having just emerged safely into their new world, Mum settles with her fur babies for a well deserved rest. I again used one of my favorite sites Nit Wits for papers and the paw print
  11. Day 3 project 1. This one had to be the puppies.!! There were 6 in the litter but I liked this photo of the 3.They were a friends litter but I was lucky enough to have them at my house aged 3 weeks while she was on holiday for 6 days! Great fun producing this one as I have a bit more idea of what I am doing !! I used 2 background papers from Nit Wits and beveled them both. The graphics were also from the Nit Wits site. I made a circular selection from my background paper and placed it under the photo layer for effect. Roll on the next one ! Will it be more puppies I wonder ???
  12. I have had such fun doing this for the second time. It is the sandwich that saved me from giving up on PSP last year . I just could not get the grasp of layers until I found Carole and all the wonderful members on here. The site has so much to offer and I often found I had no idea where to go but a quick "HELP" soon had someone directing me! I was forever loosing the forum I needed to post on ! Thank you all for your help .To anyone new on here and who feels like giving up.. DO NOT ..I am getting there and I am sure you will ! Being able to download the PDF files to refer back to is also a great bonus I think as my memory is becoming a little less reliable! I am lucky enough to have a printer but I now need a filing system! The graphics were mostly from Creative Fabrica The cutlery was re coloured, drop shadows were applied as needed. I put a bevel I think it was on the tablecloth. I lost count of all the layers I used !
  13. Hi there I had great fun with my first Bootcamp. I knew very little but with all the help here I learnt a lot so I am looking forward to this one . Not sure what photos to showcase but I think the puppies will have to be there somewhere!
  14. @Cassel I managed to produce day one with many mistakes on my part reverting to PSPx8 .I have just tried the hue saturation lightness as you advised in PSP23 and it works ! I have spent 2 days trying to fix it I didnt think to ask if there was a workaround ! Life is such a learning curve .Thank you so much. Brilliant your Grandson is liking legos . I still have my boxes of them from my boys and they always come out when friends visit with children. They stimulate the imagination so much as you have clealy seen .
  15. I have'nt put any drop shadows on the text and graphics !! So evident now I see it here !
  16. Never used a Mask before and no idea what I m doing ! but I have managed to put something together no doubt with many mistakes !The video was excellent, it was my brain and my version of psp letting me down! My idea was to showcase the first 7 weeks in a puppys life one week a day. After taking two days to do day one I am not sure how that will turn out! Never mind life is a learning curve ..Just realised I have not put a date they were born on . opps ! The papers and graphics were from MARY FRANS... FARLEYFRIENDS
  17. Hi all .I will be joining you eventually hopefully! My psp 23 ultimate has decided to freeze my screen when I access the adjust brightness . it turns the layer to black instantly with no options to go to brightness or contrast ! Then freezes the program ! I have reset to default but no luck. Catch you soon ! Not sure if I should have started a new thread so appologies if this is in someone elses post !!
  18. Hi All. I will be in with you but I have never used a mask so another learning curve for me! Having read other coments I will have my pen and paper at the ready !! At least I have found you all without having to ask as I have had to previously, so nice to see my brain is finally remembering something!
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