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laurie solaas

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Posts posted by laurie solaas

  1. Annie T thank you for your words. You, Ann S, Sue, Bonnie, Minka, and others are my Role Models! Y'all consistently produce amazing designs!


    This is my Day 4 Design. I really struggled with my leather tag. I am not sure what I did wrong. This is sad, because I created a nice label from scratch using my own photograph. I was proud of the label!! Oh well.


    For this design, I created a Mask template and I also created My own background paper.

  2. Thanks for your words Annie T! You, Ann S, Bonnie, Sue, Minka, and others are my role models! Y'all designs are consistently amazing!


    I finally finished my Day 4 design. I struggled with the leather tag. I am not sure what I did wrong. It is really sad that I messed up the tag itself because I created the label from scratch. I was so proud that the bird silhouette was created from one of my own photos! Oh well.


    I created a Mask template for my photos, and I also created my own background paper.

  3. Here is my date stamp Page for the Travel Challenge. I created my background paper by selecting a portion of one of the photos and then doing a gaussian blur. I then applied a pattern effect. I created the corrugated paper in Filter Forge, and I downloaded the word art from Pixel Scrapper.
  4. Here is my day 1 and 2. I decided not to make my map darker because I liked being able to see the individual cities and states. I would like at a later date to recreate it and color each state a different color.
  5. I am here. Just moving a little slow this time. We just got back from a big three week trip. (with Mary Lou) and had a wonderful time. When we returned home, we shuffled around three bedrooms in our house, which for us was a big move! Now I am on my way to Indiana, with my hubs,  to spend some time with my sis who is newly diagnosed with cancer. I have almost completed day 1 and 2 of the Challenge, but am struggling to clean up the little details, as we are driving 75mph on a bumpy highway.  I LOVE the pages, I have been seeing of everyone’s travels, and places they hope to see one day.
  6. Here is my Day 7 Challenge. Carole thank you so much for all of your instruction. I appreciated all of them, but especially the one today on different ways to display work. Thanks again! Today I learned why it's a good idea to use masks.


    I started by not having a clear-cut idea about what layout I wanted. (Taking a few minutes to sketch thumbprint templates on paper would have been helpful) But did  I do that- no. So, even after I knew the layout I wanted, I still did not lay out rectangles for Mask Layers. Instead, I messed around trying to crop photos to exact dimensions to fit the layout I wanted. It took forever!  Lesson learned. Next time I will lay out rectangles and create Mask layers. So much easier to cut perfect rectangles and turn them into Masks than chopping away at photos. Thank you for teaching us how to do it, Carole.


    I chose Finding Beauty in the Moment as my final page because I often forget to live in the now, and to find Joy in whatever comes my way.

  7. Cindy, I wanted to encourage you to not give up. I have been where you are. I first bought PSP in 2018, and for three years every time I opened the program I closed it immediately in frustration. Carole offers a Basic Scrap course that is very good. I think also from time to time she has a Scrapbook Bootcamp as well that starts with understanding Layers.
  8. This has been a rough year for the world. Last Tuesday marks the anniversary of my second vaccine. The number of active Covid cases in Memphis has been horrible. So, we have been very careful. This week was the first time I bought my own groceries without curbside delivery. It was so nice to go in a store and actually pick out what I wanted for myself. I have missed talking to people in person, except for my immediate family.


    I enjoyed creating the background for this layout. My 'grunge' is subtle, but it is there.

  9. Jnet I love your pictures and layouts as well. My favorite so far is the one that you showed the front of your RV. We are RVers as well. My dream is to possibly one day travel the US and Canada. Just experiencing this beautiful world. Do you live in Quebec? My grandmother was born in St Wensalas. They moved to America when she was 16 to work in the textile mills. My grandfathers people were of Scottish descent, and many of them left America to settle in the the Shelborne area. Hopefully my French will be good enough someday to navigate around Quebec.
  10. When I was growing up I didn't like the desert very much. As an adult, I love it. Even in the most seemingly dead desert, there is life and beauty. When traveling out west, I love seeing the subtle color changes in the mountain depending on the time of day.
  11. Beauty in the Winter- One of my favorite times to take a hike in the woods is in the Wintertime. No bugs! These pictures were taken in the Smokey Mountains, east Tennessee in late winter/early spring. I live in Memphis where it snows (if we are lucky) once a year. So snow for us is a real treat! On this trip, we were gifted with fresh snow.


    I love everyone's beautiful pages! It is wonderful to see so many different approaches using the same guidelines. Great work everyone!

  12. This is my Day 2. It was much easier to make a template for Day 2. I think Day 1 was too complicated, with too many parts! This was easy to create, and after creating the template, I used Filter Forge to give me a rain effect, in the background. These are some of my favorite rainy day pictures and another one of Melissa's poems.
  13. This is my Day 1. I abandoned the idea of creating my own template and figured out how to download the free one. I didn't realize the Template name was a download link. This was easy once I had a real template to follow. I will try again at a later time to create my own template. All of the photos are mine, and the poetry is original poetry written by my daughter Melissa Shaw.
  14. My day 1 is still a work in progress. Creating a template is a little harder than I thought it was going to be. My rectangles moved on me! I need to learn how to lock my layers. Corrie I love your colors, Sandra your Easter pics are cute! Sue I love both of your layouts! Someday I am going to see a moose live and in person! I live in the south and when I have gone north we have never seen one! My mother used to send me a stuffed one every year because she knows I like them.
  15. Hi this is my second big Challenge. My theme is "Finding Beauty". I love being out in nature, I love trying to capture beautiful moments in photographs. The pictures I have taken over the years. I plan on featuring some of my daughter's poetry with my pictures.


    Carole, I really like your template for the first page but I don't think it is available anymore. Off the top of your head, do You know of a similar template out there. If not, no worries, I will put the time into research. Thanks, Laurie

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