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laurie solaas

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Posts posted by laurie solaas

  1. I love that Carole has taught us how to use templates and create a template. I love how templates can sometimes help organize work. I created a simple Collage template that is reusable. I learned how to do this technique in the Double Page Challenge.
  2. Here is another one from the Love Challenge. I like that Carole taught us to make plaid background papers. I that Carole has taught us how to make our own "stuff"!  on my very first project (which was in this Challenge) I didn't even know how to change the background color, so I just left it white!
  3. The Love Challenge was my very first real experience with PSP, and it was my first time participating in the Campus.  It was the hardest Challenge for me because my knowledge of PSP was so minimal, But, having said that, it was my favorite Challenge because I learned the most from it.  I followed up the Challenge with the Basic Scrap Course. The Basic Scrap Course was awesome!


    PS- This was my very first Scrapbook page!

  4. Last Year, I really struggled emotionally because of Covid.  For the Double Page Challenge, I decided to use the theme Finding Beauty. My theme helped me to look beyond the awfulness of the Covid Pandemic, and to see that beauty, even in the midst of a pandemic, surrounds us everywhere.
  5. This is one of my pages from the Magazine Challenge. Carole provided the template for the left side of the page. I decided to enlarge my canvas, keeping the original template to create a double page. I used masks to slide my photos in to and then I added borders to the Masked images.


    I love the challenges because it is awesome to see everyone's take on the same subject or format. Plus Carole always teaches us something new!

  6. I am so happy to have found this group and Carole's awesome tutorials. This community is so supportive. Thank you!  Carole Congrats on 10 years!  You have helped a lot of people. I am eternally grateful that you have helped me learn PSP.


    I love Scrapbooking and participating in the Challenges. I also like to Blog and share my RV Adventures. Learning PSP techniques through the Campus and using those techniques on scrapbook pages, has helped me to also apply those techniques to projects outside of scrapbooking. Recently, I participated in the Travel Challenge. One of the tasks in that Challenge was to create a date stamp. I created the date stamp for the Challenge. After completing my stamp, I got the idea that I could create a Logo for my Blog page using the same technique.


    I wish more people (those not necessarily interested in scrapbooking) understood that Carole is teaching Graphic Design concepts and skills in her Scrapbook Tutorials.


    Postmark | Scrapbook Campus

  7. I have learned so much over the last year and a half. My first adventure in the Scrapbook world was in February of 2020, when I participated in the Love Challenge. Prior to joining the Campus, every time I opened up PSP, I closed it again in utter frustration, because I didn't know what I was doing. After I worked through the Love Challenge, I bought the Basic Scrap Course, so that I could further my education. Below is my favorite design from the Basic Scrap Course. Here is my take on Model 3.
  8. This is my magazine days 5.6. and 7. I really struggled with days five and six. it was my intent to work them together so that they could be a two-page spread. I did the template for day five first and it looked great. I struggled with the instructions on day 6. After an hour or so,  I figured out the one little part I missed. Then I went to insert my picture into the mask for day 5 and the picture showed through the mask like shadowed images in the area that was suppose to be blacked out. I never figure out what I did wrong, so I just recreated two new mask layers. Carol on the day eight the password would work. I don't know why. I enjoyed the challenge and everyone's beautiful work. -Laurie
  9. Well, it’s day seven of the magazine challenge, and I am three days behind. I struggled today with both day five and six. I finally figured out what I was doing wrong with day six and I fixed it. Then, I went back to day 5. When I inserted my pictures I’m into the template, my new mask was partly translucent. I could not figure out what I did for wrong, so I created new masks. I will post my creations tomorrow. I still need to add background and text.

    Oh well, I am a little sad that I don’t have images to upload tonight. But it is what it is.

  10. I redid my day three and change my background a little. I like it a lot better. I started out with a solid background on the day 4 template, but I did not like that the background overwhelmed my design. I changed the background to a picture instead. I hope the pages work well together.
  11. So many wonderful pages! Too many to mention them all. Minka, I think it is very awesome that you have so much wonderful wildlife living in your backyard! Sue, I love your Kayak Advertisement. Annie, your cover is quite beautiful. I can.t wait to see what you have in store for us on the inside of the magazine.


    Thanks, Karon! I loved our trip early this summer to the Northwest. It is such a magnificently beautiful country! I decided to turn Day Three into a two-page spread. We drove the Snowy Range at the beginning of June and there was still an incredible amount of snow. One of the lakes was still frozen over.

  12. Here is my Day 2 page. I rearrange the template a little to better accommodate my photo. I had trouble locating the text wrap feature and using it. Maybe it was because I rearranged everything?? I don't know.  When we went to Colorado, we didn't  go up the mountain because we did not have enough time allotted. She sure is a beauty though!
  13. Thanks Annie!


    Today I worked on stamps and a postcard.


    I experimented with the text. I wanted to try and give it a stoney, 3-D effect. I generated the rock in Filter Forge. My background was created using the Reflection/Pattern effect.



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