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Rene Marker

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Posts posted by Rene Marker

  1. Ann, I was in that master class already. Great class but not what my project is about (and honestly not my scrapping style at all). It is more journaling and telling the story for the monthly pages. Actually about 75% of each page is journaling, so much to say especially in the beginning months.  I also download charts from my state's website and used those on my 2021 pages.


    I did my first layout for this project April 1, 2020 so by the time the master class was available I already had close to years done! I love what I have done so far and it is all cohesive. I used kits bought at a couple different digital scrapping stores. 2020 was using one kit. 2021 has all been using another to differentiate the years. But they flow together quite nicely.

  2. Yep, I've got 43 pages so far, #44 is a summary page of 2021 statistics. Got the statistics just haven't done the page. For some reason when I started it I did a title page for 2020 (The One With The Pandemic). So I did another one for 2021 (what's next?) to show it continued on. Now I better figure out one for 2022...


    Who knows how many pages it will end up being.

  3. Corrie, one of my pages in my town album is about the gardens in town... lots of flowers there :) You could easily incorporate specific flowers that are important to your town in a town album.  Lots of ways to go and it is all your choice. After all, we do this hobby to please us.
  4. I started a COVID album back in March of 2020. I broke it down by month, documenting what was going on in my state and city with statistics for each month. I continued on in 2021 and just yesterday, got set up to continue in 2022. I was an accountant and numbers are my thing as are spreadsheets. I am still documenting daily numbers on the spreadsheet!  I have also included pages about other things with photos taken from the internet as well as some of photos taken by me.


    Here is a layout from October of 2020 about masks.


    2020 Covid Masks

  5. Another topic to be considered for an alphabet album is documenting your town. I did one back in 2012 using templates from Scrapping With Liz (I was on her creative team at the time). Each letter documented something about the town including things personal to me. For one letter, I used the name of my street. Another letter was about the area where my street is located. And for that pesky letter "Q", I did a page on some of the quirky residents the town has known over the years. What is interesting in looking at it 9 years later, is one of the businesses I highlighted is no longer in business!


    This was my A page:




    I also did a cover page and a back page since I was having it printed at Shutterfly.

  6. Jumping on the landing page conversation. My idea of a perfect page would be an alphabetical index with a link to the tutorial whether it be a master class or in creative scrap/lab.


    The scrolling to find what I want gets old especially with the amount of information on (for example) the master class page.


    If it can't be one page for all, even an alphabetical list at the top of the page with the link to the tutorial would help. There would not be as much scrolling through a text index to find what a person wants. This would work for both master class and creative scrap.


    Just my humble opinion!

  7. I think more classes or tutorials on how to use the various tools available in PSP. For me, it doesn't do any good to have some of the classes that focus on making something specific if I don't know how to use the tools needed.


    I have used the clone and scratch remover but not sure if I'm using them efficiently. I've never tried the object remover. Of all the brushes, the only one I use is the burn brush... I'm not sure about any of the others (like lighten/darken) because if I do use them they don't seem to do what I think they are supposed to do!


    I also struggle with the other brushes like chalk, oil, crayon etc.

  8. Trish, those are actually templates, not quick pages. I have hundreds of them from this designer and others. The designer of the one you used is actually a friend of mine as well. I always use them as a basis for my layouts and usually end up changing some things. I don't always use the elements they "suggest" either. The beauty of templates IMO is that you can add your individuality to every layout. In the past I've seen many layouts using the same template and you would never know it because of the creator's individual style of scrapping.


    Also, Trish, your layout is very nice :)

  9. Cassel, I started my spreadsheet on March 9th, the date of the first positive case in Ohio.  One of my more interesting pages in the spreadsheet is what I call "population percent".  After someone on another message board (sad to say from Canada) posted very rudely when the United States took over statistics with the most cases in the world, I made a comment back to her that it totally made sense when you look at the population of USA vs Italy.  So I started a spreadsheet using population numbers for the 50 states, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico and have it calculate the percentage of the population that has had COVID.  At first I updated it daily (using numbers from the John Hopkins website) and it was very interesting seeing where the hot spots in the country were.  Needless to say New York and New Jersey were at the top of the list for quite awhile.  Ohio is the 7th largest state population wise and I was so proud of where we were on that list for a long time. We ranked 30th or lower.  I think the highest I ever saw Ohio was 22nd. I no longer update it daily but try to do it once a month.  Even now with the high number of cases Ohio has had lately, we are still between 35th and 40th (out of 52) on the list and the % is around 13.


    I also pulled the population numbers for some other countries and will look at those every couple of months.  The outlier in that data though is China.  Per John Hopkins they claim they only have had  a little over 100,000 cases. I call BS on that.

  10. I had a feeling that this was not going to be over quickly at all.  I also felt that this would be something that will be with us forever although not in the numbers we've seen these last 18 months.  I took it seriously in the beginning and watched the daily press conferences given by state officials. And, being the numbers nerd that I am, I started a spreadsheet of data that I still update daily.  I had no problem doing the social distancing if out, wearing a mask if out and about or even staying at home.  I've even gotten the vaccine and still prefer to stay home. I am an introvert though so that hasn't bothered me.  Unfortunately the area I live in being a small town didn't do any lockdowns, only followed state health orders as to shutdowns and masking.  Many in this area don't think it is a big deal.  And, now my community of 9000 has a high number of cases these last couple weeks with a low vaccine rate (about 15 to 18% below the state average).  That's why I stay home. I'm in the over 65 range and have one of the issues that was thought to be most at risk in the beginning.


    Although I will say some good things have come out of it.  Who would have ever thought that I could watch a cousin's son play football online?  His very small, private college streamed their spring games and have continued to stream the games this fall.  An uncle of the player lives in Florida and has been able to watch as well. We've got a group text going on during the games. FUN!  And, we got to celebrate the cousin in Florida's 70th birthday through zoom in February. Last Christmas I got a zoom Christmas chat put together and had several people there that hadn't seen each other in 25 years.  In a way it has brought some members of my extended family closer together.

  11. These layouts are both 10 years old. One about me and one about my mother (math teacher). I was an accountant and loved spreadsheets... still do!


    Both layouts used kits I received for free for being on a Creative Team for the designer. The requirement was to do a layout, post it publicly and promote the kits.

  12. My cousin's daughter shared her engagement photo on FB and I had to snag it to do a layout over the weekend.  In this layout I used a technique that is found on the blog: How to use a paperclip | Scrapbook Campus


    And, in a MasterClass: Cutting the ribbon | Scrapbook Campus


    Several elements had parts selected then promoted so I could get them above other elements yet leave the main part of the element lower in the layer palette. Much easier than using the eraser tool which is how I used to do it!





  13. I am a long time user of PSP, since version 4 in 1998. I've been digital scrapping since 2008. I know enough to get my scrapping done with supplies and templates that I have purchased from various digital stores the last 13 years.  But there have been challenges at some of those forums that I could not figure out and most of those stores cater to users of PS and PSE, posting tutorials on how to do things for those programs.  I've been looking to further my knowledge about PSP so that I can possibly figure future challenges out on my own and that led me here.  I joined the campus in July and looking through the lab I came across a layout that I recognized.  It is a layout that I did in 2014 with a template purchased from my favorite template designer.  Evidently the layout was posted to pinterest and found its way to Carole.  Unfortunately, the original gallery the layout was posted in is no longer around since the store went out of business 5 years ago.


    So I am posting it for you to see (and don't expect an entry since I used no campus tutorials for it).  This layout is in Lab 8, Module 3 as an example for 2-Element Lab 8 – Module 3 | Scrapbook Campus

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