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Anita Wyatt

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Everything posted by Anita Wyatt

  1. Hi Susan. I also found a lot of interesting PSP tips that I am eager to try. I just finished putting the puzzle pieces together and that was fun too. I think we all picked up a lot of new and helpful tips by just hunting for the puzzle pieces. That was a great idea Carole had.
  2. I just found Number 12 and have all the pieces. I just had to try and look harder. Now, I am off to my meeting. Will work on the puzzle pieces later. Thank you Carole, that was so much fun.
  3. I stayed up late last night and enjoyed the hunt. I got all of them except Number 12. I looked and looked until my eyes were sore, but I am not giving up, it is too much fun. I just got home from work and wanted to hunt some more, but remembered I have a meeting, so I will continue the hunt later. I cannot imagine where that number 12 is hiding. Probably in plain sight. Thank you Carole for providing this enjoyable activity for us.
  4. Looking forward to it! Thank you Carole!
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