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Annie Tobin

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Posts posted by Annie Tobin

  1. Michele, your birthday cards are lovely. Like yourself I will play around with different effects and stumble across something that appeals to me. Well done Hon. <3

    Trish, your International Book Day is delightful. I love how you used the silhouettes. Well done my friend.

    Cristina, what a great page you have created. I love how you are peeking out of the little veedub (Aussie slang for Volkswagen) and your background paper is very cool, well done my friend.

    Cassel, those big cats are definitely not my pets ... I can love them at a distance, lol! Yes, I really do love all forms of nature. So glad you liked the page. <3

  2. Colleen, I just snagged your wood grain sample and when I flood fill a 3600 x 3600 page it is definitely seamless. I even tried it at 45 degree angle and 50% ... definitely seamless. As for the gold foil I have no idea how you would create that. It looks to me to be more of a glass texture than foil. Perhaps fooling around with the mosaic glass tool may give you a result you would be happy with.

    With regards to the glitter I prefer the one on the left but it is a very subjective choice. I, myself, am not a glitter fan but you have me intrigued ... I think I will have to play! Happy creating my friend. <3

  3. Minka, I do love what you have created my friend, they are such fun!  Well done!  <3


    This is my share for the theme.  The emojis were freebies from the web.  The layout was inspired by a quick page from Marisa Lerin of Pixel Scrappers.  Embellishments are my own, the alpha is by CZ from Designer Digitals.  Fonts used are Segoe Script and Jokerman.  I made the scatter tube from a bunch of emojis by aqua_smiles_full.  This is going to be a fun theme and it will be enjoyable to see what y'all come up with.  Thanks for takin a peek!

  4. Welcome Dorothy. You will love it here my friend and there is so much to learn. I have been here eighteen months now and have loads yet to explore. Slow and steady ... at my age I have no other choice, lol! All the best Dorothy and I look forward to perusing your projects. ;D
  5. These photos of kingfishers are freebies on the web.  I love their colours and wanted to put them together in a scrap page.  The elements and alpha are from a delightful kit by Gina Jones from Pixel Scrappers called "Love-Birds", it really is lovely and I am becoming quite enamoured with Gina's work.  The layout and background paper are my own.  Thanks for takin a peek!
  6. Hello Campus Friends. Is anybody else with PSP 2020 having an issue with color changes when downsizing from 3600 to 800 or less pixels? Each time I downsize the color leaches out and ends up a much lighter hue than the larger image. I have been able to overcome this by merging at 3600 pixels, opening a new document 600 pixels or 800 pixels, selecting all, copying the larger image and then pasting into the selection of the smaller page. Not such a huge issue but a bit annoying none the less.
  7. Well it is March 1st here but I will post this in February anyway.  This photo from Unsplash and taken by Joia De Jong was just too beautiful to cover up with elements etcetera so I played it very simple.  All background papers were made using the photo.  The flower element was a freebie from pngtree.  The font used is Harrington.  Thanks for takin a peek!
  8. Shirley, I love your quick page, it is quite lovely and has come together very well. Those dogs put a smile on my face, they look so serious as if they are saying "We will behave for this photo mum", LOL! I shall have to have a play with the template but I am not sure I remember downloading it ... an age thing!

    Thanks for the info regards google Shirley, it has been rather trying to say the least. I guess we are a little spoiled these days. Years ago it was the norm but today we expect everything to be available in the blink of an eye, ;D

  9. Thanks dear Trish. I am again experiencing a very slow day with google. Quite frustrating. I am having to wait 2 to 3 minutes for a page to load, sometimes up to 5 minutes! I hope this doesn't happen for the webinar as I use google chrome as the preferred browser for that! Looking forward to the vectors webinar ... one of my favourite subjects with PSP. Wishing you a wonderful day my friend. <3
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