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Annie Tobin

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Posts posted by Annie Tobin

  1. I love the frame Sheila, it is quite beautiful, well done. Rose fusion is an unusual colour. There are roses of that colour but instead of them being called rose fusion they are called burnt orange. I browsed the internet until I found an appropriate freebie but I did end up having to search for burnt orange. Your frame really does showcase the photo beautifully and that is what the challenge is all about. You have shown great initiative. :)
  2. You are such a sweetie Trish, thank you. I thought that valentine's lace might be right up your alley, :) Of course you may snag or I can email it to you as a .png if you would prefer because I think I posted it as a .jpeg and you would have to extract it. Let me know Hon and please have a go at the tutorial. It tests the brain cells a little and you have to do a bit of playing around but the end result is worth it. <3
  3. Barbara, you did a terrific job on this page. Teddy is too cute and sure has a cheeky look about him. I do love the belt frame and it works well for this project. Your background page is lovely, well done.

    Cristina, lovely work on both pages my friend. The penguin is really cute and you did a terrific job with him, he looks as if he is part of the family! <3

    Gerry, looks as though you are not going to have problems with masks! Job well done and cute family to boot!

    Leslie, the frame you used is delightful and really suits the painted lady butterfly. Love your background paper too. Well done!

    Lydia, a beautiful use of colours for day 4. They generate a calmness and serenity for the occasion. Well done Hon.

    Minka, a lovely use of a mask for this project. Simple and very effective, well done.

    Peggy, you are coming along in leaps and bounds! Love your day 4 ... persistence pays!

    Shirley, a gorgeous page my friend. Showcases that beautiful photo perfectly. Gotta love bear hugs! ;D

    Shutterpixi, Stunning ... both the photo and the page you have created to showcase it. My kinda page Hon, well done!

    I hope I haven't missed anyone. If I have, please forgive as all the work is really amazing. You really are a creative bunch!

  4. This is another for the rose fusion colour challenge.  This bouquet was a freebie on the web and the colour was just perfect.  The layout is by Marisa Lerin from Pixel Scrappers.  The papers are mine as are the brad and the lace.  Thanks for takin a peek!
  5. Hi Scrapbook Campers.  This is the kaleidoscope pattern I used for day 3 of love-story challenge.  I have included a screenshot of the settings because no matter what square part of the photo you use these settings create a seamless tile.  The secret though is definitely in the area selection of the photo.  Thanks for takin a peek!
  6. I thought I would show this lace that I made today.  Believe it or not, this is made from a simple floral corner and the kaleidoscope tool in psp.  I have had this tutorial saved for a very long time and the link is still viable!  In case any of you are interested the link is below.  The tut is for psp version 8 (yep ... old!) Perhaps Cassel would do an updated version for us ... if that is allowed but I did note that the tut is copyrighted. Thanks for takin a peek!





  7. Hi Scrapbook Campus.  Here is my Day 3 project.  I did use the mask from Pixel Scrapper and, I made the background by following Carole's kaleidoscope tutorial and it took a little while to achieve the result I was happy with.  I set it in the patterns tab at 45 degrees and 25% size.  I then added a solid paper to overlay and tone down the colours of the kaleidoscope pattern.  The floral corner is my own creation from my watercolour graphics folder which is a forever folder.  Thanks for takin a peek!
  8. Sue, you have created a delightful page for Tomi. I like that you used the kaleidoscope pattern for the frame. I am yet to try it but I have never been happy with anything I have created using the kaleidoscope or pattern tool in psp. Anyways, well done my friend and again your photography is faultless. <3
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