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Corrie Kinkel

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Everything posted by Corrie Kinkel

  1. I'm finishing all the projects I was working on; I want to leave with nothing unfinished and find that when I return in May. At that point I certainly won't do so anymore. The wood elements are a wooden background from the Behold Spring by cpjess, a wooden token I did sometime ago and the letter S is made by cass-Stacked alpha script. I have the same wood texture and used that for the other letters, all with the font Book Antiqua. I used the notebook paper, done after a tutorial in Lab 14-03, to write my story about this little gem of a flower. The paperclip I have done so long ago that I have no idea from what lesson or masterclass it stems. The heart paper is in my stash and I don't know where I got that one. In making the folds I assumed the paper was identical on fore- and background. Of course the photo has a white background.
  2. Ladies thank you all so much for the good wishes for my birthday and upcoming travel. I hope to bring back lots of photos for use in future projects. It is unfortunate that there is no one from the Campus anyway near where I'm going, I would have loved meeting someone in person.
  3. Just as Susan I joined in April of May 2020 and haven't seen this particular layout in a magazine challenge. It is stunning, you know so much about nature and lucky for us you show those photos and educate us here as well!
  4. I'm a bit early too but the "highlight" of my week was my birthday. I have no photos of the occasion that I can use here. Just some of family and friends that I will have to blur and I don't like that at all. It are all people that matter to me but for here not very interesting. So I made myself a birthday cake with sprinkles on top (tubes made by me and Carole). The 75 is cream piping, freebie by Carole; just as the doily and greenery with extra roses. The candles are from Marissa Lerin and the rest comes from my stock. The rest of the weeks in April and the first week in May will come as I'm back from California after I have recovered from the jetlag; I don't take my laptop with me. I will leave here coming Tuesday, so bye for now and see you in May. I will check in on the Campus when I have some moments when everybody is at work/school and it is just me and the dogs. In the weekends we will take trips.
  5. Beautiful photo of that Robin. Over here the birdsong has started now in full force after we had a couple of nice sunny and much warmer days. I can see them busy with little branches and some moss or grass to build nests. It is a pity I can't come near enough to take a good shot of the nests. The crows are in turmoil, the trees they have been nesting in are taken down, because that little area is turning into a building site for new houses. So far it has been a nice hidden gem with a little pool and a lot of overgrowth among the tall trees amidst a populated area. That's called "progress"😢................!
  6. Ann this shows that plain can be lovely in its own right!
  7. I have those corner punches too and I love them, they are so versatile and you used them well. I like the idea to use the same punches on the 2 papers!
  8. U = Urtica Dioica - Stinging Nettle, it is native to Europe and known for its sting. In my country it is considered a weed and you can find it almost everywhere. in patches of unkept grass, between some stones, in gardens etc.
  9. Because I like this theme challenge and I like this mask I made another layout using a photo from a crabapple (Malus) tree in my neighborhood. With a more colorful photo and another background it looks completely different. The background is made with 2 papers and a blendmode; all the elements are by Jessica Dunn and I made a very thin frame and the font is Beladine Gadelia.
  10. The last couple of weeks in every patch of grass along roadsides and in public gardens is colored by "speenkruid" ( pilewort - ranunculus ficaria - lesser celandine) and this week I finally got the time to take a photo when we had a sunny spell.
  11. Nice use of the mask! I like this mask and it is very versatile!
  12. X = Xyris commonly called yellow-eyed grass
  13. Thank you and the answer is already given. I had a busy day and am just now looking in the campus!
  14. Yes I noticed your unusual color scheme 🙃, but why not if the flowers dictate it. Indeed I know all the flowers you used and I think I will have some of them in photos of my own.
  15. Lately on a dry spell I came along a front garden in a street I normally pass by and saw a magnificent rather big Prunus in full bloom. The only problem was that I had to take my photo from the pavement and in that position it was impossible to get a good shot of the tree without getting the front window and door of that house on the photo too. Nowadays you have to be a bit careful when you do that, because most people don't like you doing so and I didn't want the house in the photo anyway. Therefore I took some close-ups and used one of them here. I like the work of Jessica Dunn and subscribed to her newsletter recently. She hosts a mask challenge on digitalscrapbook.com for this month and has a freebie mask and as a welcome gift I got the mini kit dandelion wishes part 2. And I used both the mask and the kit for this layout to make a background from 2 papers with a blendmode. Made a cluster with some elements, changed some colors to go better with my color scheme and made a text frame because the frame in the kit was way to overpowering for this photo. The font is Belinda, a freebie from CF. Just a whole layout using freebies!!!
  16. A very colorful layout, but it does justice to the colors of the flowers!
  17. You did a great job with this card and put a lot of effort in! I already used to link my layers and now I group/ungroup as well. I often rename my layers but I think color coding isn't my thing.
  18. Q = Queen's Cup (Clintonia uniflora) it belongs to the Liliaceae family and grows in subalpine regions of North America, Europe and Asia.
  19. Thank you Susan and I have no hesitation the pictures will be on all the tv-networks and social media! I suppose I 'm considering it as a special gift for my birthday 🤩! Enjoy!
  20. In 1999 we didn't had a total eclipse like Doska in Germany; it was a partial one and nevertheless it was impressive. It was a sunny day and suddenly it started to get darker, the birds stopped singing, everything got really quiet and later when the light got brighter the birds started to move around, dogs were barking again. The next partial eclipse in 2025 will be visible in the Netherlands too and when by chance the weather doesn't cooperate there will be another partial one in 2026 that will be visible in Belgium and the Netherlands. But I'm still sorry that I can't watch this total eclipse on my birthday, that would have made it even more special. So I wish all of you who are able to go a fantastic one of a lifetime experience. I hope we will get some lovely scrapbook pages of it! Enjoy and have fun!
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