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Anne Lamp

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  1. I have been wanting to use this photo I took of my Foxy and thought this was a good place to play with it. She is a rescue and they said she was a Yorkie-Pom mix. I call her the harry beast most of the time because she has the Pomeranian undercoat and sheds all the time. I am just glad she isn't the size of a Great Dane. Oh well, I still love her to death.
  2. I really liked the inked edges and found them and tried one. I don't know what embellishments you tried, but I used the magic wand on one set to inside-tolerance 70-not contgious -no feather--and was able to flood fill that selected area with a gradient and it worked OK. It did take a bit of playing around to get it to select just the colored part with no white on the inside. Here is one corner of it.
  3. I adjusted some of those things and more and posted the edited one under the first one. Thanks, especially for catching the misspelling that I can't believe I didn't catch.
  4. The sunflower pick is mine. The background was done with balls and bubbles . the top text is Misha GergovalMas the other text is am_intex,
  5. My day 5 project. The walnut photo is one I took in my yard a few years ago after a bad ice storm. The background papers were created using one of my frosty window photos and then a bunch of editing.
  6. I finally got lesson 3 finished (durned everything else took up to much time lol. Sisters. I had a niece take this pic for me at my one sister's yard sale because she was moving a long way away.
  7. I have been playing with a pic I took of a corn field last year and added the full Corn "harvest" moon pick I also took. The frame is one I downloaded some time back but can't remember where.
  8. First I want to say, this is NOT the first time I have done the BootCamp. So I got carried away with a Halloween Theme and have been playing with this off and on all day.
  9. Interesting tidbit about the having to drive it backward.
  10. I thought about all the "stuff" I still have and decided to use this one.
  11. Sometimes it takes some bad weather to kick start a project. This turned out great.
  12. My Friday 13th page. of course her most favorite day is Halloween.
  13. Thanks, I will, I just thought it was supposed to look like that. LOL
  14. I am not sure where I will use this, but it is much more legible than most cursive fonts. Thanks
  15. This also reminds me of a helicopter ride in Branson Mo. It was before we realized how bad my Hubby's phobia was. It was just a short ride to look at the dam. Hubby hung on to his seat with on hand and the back of the pilot's chair with the other. I swear he probably left permanent marks in them. I teased him when we landed saying that don't you know if the copter goes down those seat are going down too.
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