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Anne Lamp

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  1. Thank You. I live in town and there are street lights etc. in fact there is one not thirty feet east of my porch where I took the picks from. Luckily the moon was pretty much due south of my house and there is a tree just west of that light that cuts down on the glare. I just got lucky with the direction and height of the moon that night, and a beautiful clear not hazy evening. Well actually about 1AM,
  2. I got some pretty good moon picks a few nights ago and combined two of them and then put it on a Starry Night Sky background (probably from C,F.
  3. Thank you so much, now if i get time I will go back and try all if them. It makes all the difference when you know WHERE to look for something.
  4. I am way behind in this challenge for various reasons. One thing I can't figure out is how to increase the size of the size of the NODES so I can wee them better. I know Cassel said how to do it, but I can't figure out how to access the place to do that. It is probably one of those DUH things, but I just can't get my head around it. Without doing this I get frustrated every tome I try to do anything. My eyes aren't as good as they used to be and my screen is not very large.
  5. Well this one was on (or I guess IN) my hands for quire a while. It is a tatted butterfly I made for my Sister a few years ago.
  6. I made this for the challenge on PSP Maniacs . This week it is the letter Y. I have no idea what the flower is, I took the photo a couple of days ago at my Church. PS starting tomorrow I think one of the $1 downloads on CreativeFabrica is the ASL alphabet font that I intend to download this week.
  7. Actually the Black Stallion series was my favorite too (there were quite a few of them). I know what you mean by Black Beauty being upsetting, but that was the one she showed me that got me started.
  8. I have been an avid reader since grade school. The background is from Creative Fabrica that I downloaded who knows when. The Black Beauty book picture is one I copied from the internet.
  9. Thanks everyone for the upvotes and comments. I decided the frame was too overpowering and now have it as my P C background minus the border and I like it better for that purpose.
  10. I should have know what it was. We call it a Bridal Wreath too. The pic was fro a couple of years ago and at that angle it didn't click what it was. I have been taking pictures of those bushes for years, but not usually from that angle. Just a senior moment I guess. LOL
  11. Today is my husband and my 55 anniversary and I have just completed this.
  12. I am not sure what bush this is, but it was taken the end of April at my Church like a lot of my flower pictures are.
  13. It is so frustrating when I appear to be signed in but when I try to make a comment or even just upvote something it says I am not signed in. When I go to the sign in page it shows me as signed in. Even if I don't do anything and go back to the topic I was trying to upvote it lets me do it with no problem. I have cleared my caches and everything else I can think of. GRRR. What else can I do. Sometimes when it does this I don't even bother to try to make the comment or upvote. I have had this problem for quite a while but it seems to be getting worse.
  14. I live in a good old neighborhood. A few years ago we are pretty sure a house a few doors down was being used to sell drugs but nothing bad ever happened. There is no way anyone would have as many short time visitors as there was there. I know it was reported to the police and the visits finally stopped so I guess they had a little "talk" with the owner.
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