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Dan Greenwood

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  1. We went to the Indiana Motor Speedway to view the eclipse. I just used a point-and-shoot Canon camera, but it has a 40x zoom. I got this during totality. (It's not as good of quality as the original, so I could post it here.)
  2. After trying various things, I decided to complete my calendar pages by making the calendar larger and adding holidays in red and personal dates in blue. Here's an example from January.
  3. I just counted and I have 3,281 fonts. My name is Dan and I'm a fontaholic.
  4. For this page, I chose a picture of me on the actual African Queen, from the movie. That boat has been all around the world, so the background is a map.
  5. I'm here. I haven't done this before, but I'm looking forward to it.
  6. Before I viewed 4 Tips to use with Text on Path, I tried to make text flow on a flag. I ended up just tilting each word separately, and it doesn't look very good. But the card itself, based on the art of Mary Engelbreit, turned out well enough to give my wife a smile.
  7. I downloaded Dozi's brushes, as suggested in Grunge Magic and I was mesmerized by the odd shapes. Using Dozi's Background 5, I just clicked it once, then clicked again next to that image, etc., until I had a pattern. Then, I copied and pasted that pattern repeatedly, until I had filled a page. It reminded me of some sort of energy field. So, I used the page I'd created as an overlay to a garden scene. I made the garden very bright and saturated, since I wanted it to be other-worldly. Then I adjusted the opacity of the energy field overlay to show that there's a barrier, but so it wasn't obscuring the garden. I call it Garden Seen Through Dimension Rift! Of course, I had to shrink it to fit on this venue, but I hope you can get the drift.
  8. Not specifically. It took all my knowledge of Paint Shop Pro to even be able to do it!
  9. This was a tricky card for my wife's 70th birthday. I had to deconstruct two pictures and then reconstruct them into one, which was cut to appear on two angles of the card. Here are different views.
  10. I have a running inside joke about monkeys with Alyssa, my oldest granddaughter. So, this is a pop-up card, where the mouth opens. I don't do scrapbook pages, per se, but I use Paint Shop Pro constantly, to make gifts and cards for my whole family.
  11. Thank you for all you do! I don't know how you learned to do everything you do, but I really appreciate it!
  12. Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA; wintering in Mims, Florida, USA
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