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cindy harris

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Everything posted by cindy harris

  1. All Your work is so good and Beautiful so much Talent! I enjoy you all so much I keep thinking I will get there, I keep trying ty all for being so nice like Cassel.
  2. Hi I love all of you guys work, your all so good. i am doing this i think again but didnt get it last time, but still trying, been trying to do labs they are to hard for me so doing on breakdown at a time still trying. ty
  3. loved the email and pictures on newsletter i was happy you didn't loose power me either now its 56 i can deal with this I stay in the East wing of my home, the other room are large deep freezers lol water freeze while pouring no fridge needed lol but hope the worst is over on cippero antibiotic another uti ? have a appt coming up for a procedure in couple weeks I just want to be ok lol Prayers always appreciated and ty all.
  4. i loved the first one and the one before this and espically this one cause you like it ME too i bought the mask maker script never have been able yet to use it but I cant wait till i can. i love your stars from the first one.
  5. Hi Diamond Ann I wished I could cut my sandwich loved yours I tried but 5 hrs later just quit trying but got mine uploaded so happy to I get to climb the next mt (lesson)_ lol your so awesome ty for that and now seen this didn't post quite where I tried to post it thanks
  6. darn me lol the meat is put aside cause its for my dog bruce you guys know him he was my last rescue who I said yrs ago in frustration to him he was going to be my last rescues I didn't know he was going to be mine up till I did know all his homes fell thru no one would take him for more than a week but they didn't give him back and I realized hes suppose to be mine and is has been since i finally seen it. YRS lol but anyways that's why my meat is to the side hes so fussy but hes mine and I keep him alive and he does the same for me lol no really for real lol Ok this note will take me 45 mins to try to fix like last message but I am trying to do better its important to me to keep trying its a battle. ugh but Happy and its helped me make it thru this cold night and all my stress and fears and all that. I am glad MOST People are like You not me My kids are blessed they had me One thing a child needs is ONE Person who loves them they had me I am so proud of me on that. My daughter I meant to say told me I am a cycle breaker, anyone can could be first you have to care that is all. now feel like I should put bruce on here ? lol thank You
  7. Darn if you get thru that you Sound get extra Karma or Points for being a Good Peron my words up to heaves Lol like I meant NO sweating, cussing, nothing but fun doing this. I need to proof read but I will try to do better, from now on. Also I couldn't upload my pics it has to not be the psp image never tried to do that but got thru it and resized I think the right size and made me a jpg without sweating, fussing, have fits and breaking down LOL big step for me lol I think its the best I have ever done I really have always cared but everything's such a fight for me but trying. That's all that matter right your all good examples for me. thank you
  8. Hello Everyday I have looked and watched and thought about trying to work on what I want to but Finally spent all day and up to now and got mine done. there was so sweating, fussying, words ? anything just creative and so much fun, never give up right? WEll heres my sandwhich I had fun doing it and it made me calm and happy better than thearpy super better than a panic attack oppiside end of level so got it dont. I used the freebee from plaid 4 on our Campus store, because I like it thank you for the use of it. And I put salt and pepper on my sandwich to I left the top off so you can see my salt and pepper and mustard and mayo on my sandwhich oh could of wipped off my knife but had to slatther more mayo on it. This is was and crazy to how long it takes me to grasp a lot of things. Along with that I am a way hommer never get things till way later its my brian. I do have brain damage from a lot of abuse prior to birth and since in childhood. 7 wonders I can do anything if you knew the whole story so i am Proud of myself and mad that I tell anyone but those who know me from here already knows I am slow. But I keep trying it helps me so much to do that, Back on topic Thank you all for being nice to me to my Teacher shes Awesome to me, and this is better than anything I have done for myself and cont to do so Espically since my Parkinson diagnosise a few yrs ago. I admire you guys so much and because of nice ppl who Gods put in my life I know how to be a nice person and my Accoplishments are Great my daughters said and theripts Cassel is my Best one though she has No Degree in theapary for brain injuries. My kids are my biggest fans but since they have been adults at time I see Well I dont care bout that. I care about looking at them Sweet faces what love I feel knowing I got to have a life and those loves and the Grands omg they are all like you guys, Smart, great, its totally amazing. Its all God I know that so here is my sandwhich with and whitout a top so my mustard and mayo and sald and pepper show threw so silly but joy tonight has given me is so high a lot. I used the golf balls again tubes for my marshmellows THANK YOU ALL THANK YOU CASSEL CAROLE TEACHER ? FRIEND.
  9. Thank You right now we had storms here didn't have power its back up me to, thank you so much I had ideas to while reading you.... I am going to do them along with the 3 Ps and everything you hit on totally so right. But now I am starting bootcamp and feel behind on that our weathers crazy here Hope I can get some done on my sandwich I have a good feeling right now I am going to go get it done. Thank You your so nice
  10. Mary I love every bit of it.... and its looking to yummy I am using my 2023 Psp, if I use any scripts I will switch to my Psp 2022. The picture is my last rescue dog he became mine after many homes fell thru, turns out he was meant to be with me. And I love this doggie he is a mini jack Russell with a terrible story but he made it, and I helped him and I named him Bruce Lee he is tough and so much like me its weird.
  12. Hi its a script I bought to make cool Masks for making Scrapbooking Pages I havent got it to work yet but tried a handful of times i still havnet opened even i think 3 others lol and wnat to buy the one that you can make pages papers with out of snowflakes ect I want that I am trying to get where I can do it ?
  13. I never made resolutions either might of said going to try to get more fit exercise, or slow down and remember where I Put things ect. But I have never had a Dream, wishes ect I didnt even think haveing a baby thru I never thought of them growing, or anything I just always try to do my best thats it. all I ever knew to do is try to stay alive, Now I have a few dreams, and goals to learned, fix, organize so many things Ive never even Hoped to think on before. No new meds just want to see and its a good feeling to have a dream, hopes ect. Happy Birthday for your Husand Friday! He must be a really good Man like your a Good Woman. Good People have given me a light at the tunnel Ive tryed for.
  14. I did scan in a lot of photos now they are being held hostage on photosomthing or other, they want payment or they will all be delelted they wont let me choose to see which ones I want to save so for months they been threatening me ? Hostage is what I feel. But on a better note My daughters scanned in a lot of pictures to and I am a Diamond wanting to know how to make these pages, I cant get thru a lab but the level beginners bootcamp I have done a handfull of times and I am signed up for the next cant wait. I spin my wheels a lot ? I wished there was a place I could get a study partner someone to talk to on the phone when I cant get thru labs ect. Cassel always helps me but I dont know how she does so much she must just be made that way. Wished I could of had a Mom or even a Dad the ones I got was unreal, but I lived thru it. Thank God because my kids and grands are my biggest Blessings. Some Foster Moms and 2 foster dads but the state always let my parents come back and take me so I never got adopted by a adult. I was a good adult in my decisions towards my kids and others kids. I was the Mom that did anything for any kid that came near me, So I have made some really good in my life, thru the adult siblings, non are killers serial killers ect and My Children all 3 are good Christian Good Citizens but I want to make pages I have bought a lot but still haven't learned to use some scrips so trying hard to not buy anything till I learn and can do something usually spinning your wheels and never getting anywhere is so Frustrating. I know I need help, ive asked wrote this before but no one said anything to me about helping me get there, But signed up for Bootcamp and Cant wait.. I want to be a pinch as good as You guys, or even the ones that dont give themselves credit... they are so amazing Suzy, susan starting ppl... The top people just blow me away with their talent like Cassel.
  15. Hi I registered and so looking forward to being able to complete something, I spin my wheels to much ? I want to learn ? ty all Thank You Teacher
  16. thank you I missed it to but read your reply and got it thank YOU
  17. thank you Love how you made those So Pretty hey can we have a shared place like someone was saying, for sharing or this is fine layouts? I havent made any but I bought the mask script havented mastered it yet but I think it will be so fun when I do learn how to make them. Love so many Peoples work here/ Art ? Ty Mireille ?
  18. Hi Ann Seeber, me to I want to see if I can breeze thu or spin my wheels like I do in labs? Thank you Cant wait I want to learn this stuff so bad. ?
  19. mireille HELLO i LOVE THIS PAPER CAN I USE IT? wtg thats beautiful your good
  20. I love the new forum its Great, I love that I get a email and all them are on it and I love that I can put a heart or thumb up on your messages HI ALL your ALL SO AWESOME I am a diamond but I dont know how to do stuff been reworking on starting over 9 times so far I watch the video then then instructions and over and over but Boot camps I can almost go thru without a glich now Cant wait till the next one, Labs are so hard, if they aren't showing every lil step I lost my place is why I ant do them only did one so far with no problem and dont even remember which its just been not easy but You all are G R E A T and my TEACHER IS GREAT. ITS ME BUT I AM TRYING ?
  21. I dont know how a lab partner would work but sure want to try to move ahead, been stuck a while on things. thanks Anyone have any Ideas?
  22. Hi I am a diamond I want to learn how to use my mask maker script and exploding lab, and the recent one Big wishes ? I am here ?
  23. cindy harris

    Lab 12

    Hi This got me stuck spinning my wheels and the folded Christmas tree one too and the mask maker just stuck but Love all you guys work cant wait till I can do stuff
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