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cindy harris

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Everything posted by cindy harris

  1. I wished i could do a picture like shirley the one above me I made this and worked on it 2 hrs IDK you can post older ones I have some from past bootcamps... ty hugs all more points
  2. HI I am trying but I cant make anything work even tried scripts I just cant get anything to work but wanted to put there here to show I am trying. And I entered my puzzle by email, this is the fastest I ever got it in ? Really want the extra 10 points I love Contests and Scrapbook Campus and all you all.
  3. Susan me to a shower and nap is my cure all, and I got my puzzle sent in to Carole ? Its the fastest Ive got it done ? till now.
  4. Yay me to yipeee I found them all to, our Puzzle piece's ? I am so happy It was so Great like Always! I got it done on the 2nd day feel so happy and great, fastest Ive ever been thank you all Thank you Carole
  5. Finally got there Thank You GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGgg ugh Your Great at making Puzzles!!!!!
  6. ahhhhh ugh still trying all day its going to be dark soon and the chickens need put up and Guess what I cant even find the place to read when I click the big campus dozen picture it dont go there and my email I cant find it plz link to the hunt page to look see what the hunt pages are ty
  7. Your so fast 1. was easy got me started need 5 more but have to run to little rock dr appt, I really dont like driving into Little Rock the Traffic and construction. Go Ann go your so Awesome and it was you and Corrie that helped me before, trying have to let these dogs out and get city dressed lol
  8. Hi I am trying and its not EASY lol but so happy to be here Last year so many Nice ladies helped me , got 3 already but thats been a all day thing which has helped me not dwell on my Dr appts tomorrow. Hugs all Good Luck and happy to be trailing you.
  9. F = fun for me at every gas station they have cappichino machines and I like to suicide mine and they are so yummy
  11. P- Pull it out I want the money tie me to a doorknob ? p.s you all rock
  12. R=Roasted anything And love Grilled - roasted well done!
  13. Hi All, I hope and Pray someone invites me to their house, its lonely having so many problems and I cant think right to do what I want. I bummed out on the vectors it freaked me out look to me like Labs I knew I was over my head. But so many completed it So Proud of you guys your all so awesome I love you guys My attitude's been terrible but so happy Our Teacher, my 3 over 40 yr old children, and my friends here are so Wonderful
  14. N - side dish to N ibble ewhile waiting for the main event N-for Nachos: tortilla chips topped with cheese, salsa, and other ingredients
  15. I love the Mask I bought a script but have to see if I can figure it out again, I still dont know how to make one going to try the one on the Q And A recent I love your work so nice.
  16. Beautiful Thats so Loving to make that to for them, its Awesome.
  17. Happy Fathers day to All the Good Dads and to all the People Blessed to have One. A Good Father And Thank you Cassel for the cutouts and free bees have always loved them like a Present for real.
  18. In may my SS that I live on was taken by my bank first arkansas bank and trust been a Great Customer for 30 yrs, but in the past when my Daughter started working I had put her on my account to cash her 2 checks from Claires and the Theater, she never deposited or did anything elese. Then later she started her own checking account as my other 2 kids there. Long story short now She lost her job 2 months ago and things happened in her checking account, Which I knew nothing about because I am not on hers. My Bank of 30 yrs Took my whole S.S. to make up money she owed in her checking account without one word to me. Until I seen after the 5th I had a 000.00 Then I was in shock oh same time My mom was sent to the ER she was found Sunday Morning Really BLACK AND BLUE and possible shoulder injury, she went in the ER and had another Stroke and then went on Hospice. Then I tried to look at my account my business, and I had NO Account first arkansas bank closed my account. My mom then died Long story but I dont want to miss you guys but If I have to Ill do it but Thought I would ask. Can anyone help me out with a Month or something what ever if you can or want to And thank You
  19. First thats is so Beautiful your Daughter so blessed to have You, a Grand Mom real one now lol its beautiful. And Congratulations all you All and Especially the winners of the prizes Ann, Randy, and Anne your all Super winners here anyways you can do all this stuf so good, Your all Amazing. I am still trying
  20. My new kid on the block or 3 my 3rd entry my new kid is my mom Just Passsed.
  21. Hello All, All day but I not as embarrassed as my first table, I wished Ann Seeber would give a class on how she did hers I Love it. I got my laptop on the Best Site, lol in the Picture Here. ? This was all day all day every time I got to sit down and Finally got mine to post. I like the dark grey on my psp and the Complete set up, hope I resized it right I made my top bread see thru so you can see the inside. got marshmellows used golf tubes yum.
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