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PSP 2022 Ultimate install problems

Susan Ewart

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I just installed PSP2022 Ultimate.  It went okay until I got to the Particle Shop Brush Pack Bundle.  Each one (organic, pointillism, particle crawlers, concept art and Chaos) each have an .exe and .pkg download file.  the .exe downloaded fine but the .pkg keeps saying invalid file.   I'm using windows 10 which i read cant open .pkg files.  I have also successfully downloaded Win Zip 25 that came with the download package.


Do you know how I can finish this install, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.  I'm not going to be upset if I cant use Particle Shop since I don't even know how to open it/find it etc.  PSP works and that's all that really matters.  I'll be going through my list of customizing I learned from your tutorials, so the .pkg issue isnt a priority.

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I don't remember getting .pkg files with my bundle.


Maybe someone else has had the same bundle with the same files and could help? Otherwise, calling Corel Customer Service should clarify this as it is supposed to be just a simple installation.

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Thank you both for this quick reply.


Carole can I send my email of my downloads to you.  Just so you can see how it looks.  it's the last batch of downloads .  You'll see it has download buttons and instructions that say click the download button below.


Sue, does this mean when I downloaded and entered the key for Particle shop it would already have had the brush pack in it.


Now, here's the dumb question.  How do I even open and use Particle shop? does it go into PSP when it downloads or should it be an icon on my desktop like Painter, Photo Mirage, Aftershot etc?  this part is over my head a bit.


I'm just happy PSP works.  2019 to 2021 versions I never had any downloads that didnt work.  I will check with Corel as well.



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I downloaded 2022 and particle shop, (PS)  during download it told me to uninstall  the one I had already bought, to be able to install the new unpate,  which I did, I had already purchased it a couple of years ago,  NOW Inhave a reloaded version which has now expired and lost my version I pqaid for .    I dont use it often but  so annoyed I know longer haave the programme somits gone plus the additional brushes I bought for it.


I do have it, did have it on my desktop,  to find it it can be found under effects-textures


hope this helps


Carole while try to type this reply some script stuff came up not allowing me to type,  this happened before christmas when it all went down took some screewen shots if thy dont attatch here I will email same xx

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thank you Carole.  It's mostly to show how it came.  I'm not worried if I cant use this, since I dont even know how.  haha.  It will just have the links, I wanted you to see the instructions on each box, it made me think it would install on it's own.  and maybe it did, I clicked open and it wouldnt open.  but I think because I dont know about brushes it likely is something I'm supposed to put somewhere that I dont realize I'm supposed to do.


It did put some brush folders on my D drive (we use D for data/pictures and 'PSP resource' folder that I made from your tutorials, the C drive is where we have programs ) and these Particle shop folders just showed up there.  I never directed them to do that.  PSP/painter and the rest went on C where they belong.  I did pay attention to that.  usually my computer literate husband helps me but I wanted to do this on my own this time.   I will send a word print screen of that.  I was being careful with the programs to make sure they went where they were supposed to, the brush packs didnt ask, just downloaded and when I tried to open from the download box that pops up is where I had problems.  Not sure if this is too much information, I'll print screen that too so you know what I mean, it will be the second picture on the word doc.  thank you for this.  Please dont put too much time into this as I can also call Corel.  it's more likely my lack of knowledge hampering me.



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Thank you Carole, Sue and Trish.  Steep learning curve for me, but I know you have my back.  It's all so new to me so I dont even know enough about plug ins to know what is normal or not.  some of the other downloads I had to first uninstall, then, install the new version, luckily they worked okay.  I am spoiled by buying scripts at Creation Cassel because you have such good instructions on what to do with the files and where to put them.  I will look under effects/textures.
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I found where it is in PSP!  Duh, it's under Effects (thank you Trish and Sue!), plugins, painter, particle shop.   it wouldnt open but I learned that I had to have a image open for me to be able to open it.  I see some of the brushes.  So perhaps it just puts it where it needs to go on its own.  why would they add a download button and tell me to click on it and not be able to open it, or at least some instructions on it.  Thank you all, most/all of the problem is me not quite understanding how this all works.  They (whoever "they" are) say the hardest things to learn are often the most worth learning.  This appears to be true.
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Particle Shop comes with 5 brushes. You can at a later date when you have used it, and like using the plugin purchase an array of brush bundles. I bought a huge package of them in one bundle in a sale years ago. Remember, as it will prompt you to work on a separate layer and not on the original, so when you are finished and go back to psp, you can edit what you created in particle shop without effecting the image.
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Thank you Sue, this is very helpful.  My goal this year is more PSP time and learning things like the brushes and get comfortable with plug-ins and how to use them.  I did see the prompt when I opened an image. but wasn't sure what it meant.  Your explanation makes sense to me now.  It sounds quite interesting.  I saw there is tutorials as well.  At least it pops up when i turn the computer on.  Looking forward to some downtime soon so I can play around.



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