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April COLOR Challenge - Pastels


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Did you know that Sherwin-Williams promote a new color every month? Of course, they are in the paint business, so it makes sense, but at the same time, it can be a great resource for colors and color palettes, so I thought that we can use some of their suggestions to use in our projects.


This month, we won't be relying on Sherwin-Williams to choose our color, but we can use mainly pastel colors as it is Easter and springtime (at least for the northern hemisphere).


What will you do?

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Dorothy and Trish, lovely work from both of you, a pleasure to peruse. I am currently out of action and wearing a wrist guard on my right hand compliments of arthritis and carpal tunnel! Painful and incapacitating but it does not stop me from looking! <3
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Lovely work ladies.   I used Cass airbrush script to make the background paper, made my own frames and added a small bevel.   I got the cabbage patch from the internet and erased the background.   The chihuahua is from a purchased kit, it looks very much like our little chihuahua.  The font is Go Around The Book, a free font, I like to use it on kid stuff.  Lexi our granddaughter was trying to put her Cabbage Patch, actually it was her mother's doll, into Candy's dog bed.  Candy did not really want to share her bed.  The pastels just came from the picture the yellow doll blanket and the purple from Lexi's shirt.
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Hi Annie


What a nuissance your hand! I hope it will get less painful, but my own experience with carpal and artrosis is that it probably will take some time. I had to stop with most of my handycrafts; I did lacemaking with bobbins and embroidery and so on. But the results were no longer good and therefore did not satisfy me. A long time I had no subsitute.  for it but then came photografy and following that came PSP. So now I'm here. You see there is hope!

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Thanks Shirl, I hope so too my friend! I have registered for the text tutorials starting on 20th so I would appreciate the Universe being kind in reconsidering this wrist pain. It is really throbbing this morning and I seem to only get relief if I just leave my arm hanging by my side. I have the wrist strapped really snugly but no sign of any let up yet! <3
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Dear Corrie, thank you so much. I have been trying to do some knitting being inspired by the old adage regards arthritis "use it or lose it". The knitting is coming along okay but as soon as I try to use the mouse with the computer the throbbing kicks in. I have purchased an ergonomic mouse but this has not helped. As you say I think it will just take some time and a little kindness to myself, ;)
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Annie:  I to have occasional spells like that and know it is no fun.


What works for me is filling a sauce pan half way with some Witch Hazel, dump in some ice cubes then soak a tea towel with the mixture.  Wring it out gently and wrap around my hands for about 5 minutes  at a time.


I am so sorry you,  too have to suffer through times like these.  I look forward to seeing you back in the next challenge. Big gentle hugs for you kind Annie.

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Dear Dorothy, thank you so much my friend. My daughter is an advocate of witch hazel so I shall give this suggestion of yours a go. Pain of any sort is no fun that is for sure. Thanks for the get well page it is delightful and in my colours, clever you! And ... those gentle hugs are warm and comforting. ;D <3
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Witch hazel has some anti-inflammatory properties so it can't hurt. Annie, I'm not a doctor (I don't even play one on TV), but I would imagine wrapping the wrist too tightly might be a problem. Glad you can knit so you don't go totally stir crazy.
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