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April Theme Challenge - MOVIES


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Do you have some favorite movies or movie stars? What are they? Did you see that movie in a theater first? Did you meet your spouse at that time? Are you having movie nights (or days) especially on these recent days, all safe at home?


Create a page for that movie or that movie night for you and/or your family.


Let's go!

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We were camping and having a lazy day, put the TV outside and watched a movie.  I do not remember which movie.  For the background I used red and used "creating a canvas texture" from the lab, I made my own round frame and added a bevel.  My elements came from a purchased kit.   I used the pick tool on perspective to angle the text on the sign.   I added drop shadows based on Cassel's notes.  I used Cassels free movie film strip template.  I only had 3 pictures so i erased the part of the film strip I did not need.  I used "creating a ticket" from the lab.
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Bonjour, c'est joli Royanne ce que tu as fait


J'ai utilisé seulement le modèle car je ne suis pas très cinéma ni télévision.


C'est très rare que je regarde un film et lorsque je m'installe pour en voir un, je fais une deuxième chose en même temps


Merci Carole pour ce modèle

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I can't help it ... I loved it as a kid. Then loved watching it with the kids ... then grandkids! Now I will put it in and while I might not watch it, I sing along with whatever I'm doing. It still makes me happy and I still feel like there is some truth to ... There's no place like home ...
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This gave me a headache as I loved so many films, everytime I decided, up popped another. So I decided which film changed and shaped our lives, bringing up our granddaughter bought many joys, teaching her what was out in the world for her to enjoy.  She was an avid reader from the start, with reading shop names while still in her car seat on the many journeys she was to have in her life. Then at about 4 she discover Harry Potter and devoured the children's edition of the book from cover to cover, the read the adult version.  Now the wait begun for the film, and so it went on . The first Theme Park in Florida, and so .... Till on her 18th birthday, she has a tattoo, .... it was ....  the last line of the last book.

I cant remember how many effect I did with this one, I did enjoy working on it.  all the pictures and elements were sourced from various film sites, and were all cut out by me useing various methods, the film strip I have had for a while and cant remember where from, as were the movie camera and goodies  The text is  called Arenski.  and I have the Harry Potter font, but this was one I extruded.  All the photos I used pick/  perspective, although it need a tweek from selections.  I used speed lines on Harry and the Owl in 2 layers, the second being blurred for effect and the same for Hermarnies wand,  The backing paper I used 2 layers, one was mine own and the top layer I picked up, I think from unsplash.  To finish off I added some magical stars, again from my collection I think a group I made up long ago.   Hope you enjoy viewing it as I did making it

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I put the film strip Cassel gave us awhile back t good use I think.  I actually enjoyed using this template. Once again   I thank Cassel for getting me over my fear of templates. lol


The Shenandoah valley is a beautiful place. The  belief is that it comes from a Native American expression for "Beautiful Daughter of the Stars". When you stay in the mountains  and look down into the valley at night it appears as if someone threw a bucket of diamonds onto some black velvet.

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Royanne:  That is the best way to watch a movie! Your canvas texture turned out really well and you did a great job using the perspective tool.


Jnet:  Your work always looks so delicate.  I can understand not watching movies as there is always so much to do I love what you did with Cassel's template :)


Minka:  I can remember how badly the wicked witch scared me in the theatre as a child. Did you know there is a place in North Carolina where you can actually go with Dorothy on the yellow brick road? Here is the  link if you want to take a peak.






Trish: What a magical trip you just had me take. I truly know nothing about Harry Potter. I was raised on Bobbsey Twins books A series of 72 books was published in 1904, the last in 1979, with a separate series of 30 books published from 1987 through 1992.  And yes, Mom got me every one of them.



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Michele and Dorothy Thank you for your lovely comments you have both lost me on Bobbsey books though. xx


Love the shenandoah  Dorothy, looks like hard work fitting all those little pictures in that film strip. well done


Minka, I too love the wizard of OZ, great job you did on that one xx

Royanne, love that lay out, it is really

Jnet, sweet tag, I dont know the film. is it french. nicely done.


Happy Easter to you all xxx

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