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March PHOTO SWITCH - Challenge


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Let's have some fun and share our creativity.


For this challenge, participants will be paired in the order of their posting. Poster 1 (after this post) will be paired with Poster 2, Poster 3 will be paired with Poster 4, and so on. You can post your name NOW seven before the pairs are created as they will come as you post.


Once you have your "teammate", you will exchange ONE photo each and the other person will create a layout from it. If the image is 1000 pixels of less, you can post them in the forum. If they are larger than that, you can exchange emails through the messaging system so you can send the files.


Once the layout has been created, a 600-pixel version can be posted in the forum, and the original full-size version can be sent back to the teammate.


Are you up to this challenge?

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I'll take part in this challenge. It may be out of my comfort zone.  Which will do me good.  I'm pretty set in my  style of PSPing and subject matter. Although I'm capable of creating almost anything myself. Through several years of Carol's tuition.




You are now teamed up with Annie.

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Hi Sue.  Here is my photo for you to use in this challenge.  It is of my friend Carolyn when she was on an overseas trip about 6 years ago.  I am not sure where this photo was taken ... somewhere in Europe.  Carolyn is a Clinical Nurse for Palliative Care here in Bundaberg and originally did her training in England where she was born and bred.  She is a living saint, :)  I think we will have fun with this.  <3
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Hi Annie.  I recognise that sculpture, as I have visited it, many years ago, when I used to stay with my aunt and uncle in London.  They used to take my brother and I to all the places of interest.  It's  the Peter Pan sculpture, which is in Kensington Gardens, London.  I've yet to choose a photo for you.  I shall choose one and send it to you later on this evening.  You are more organized than I am, I should have  chose a photo first, and then signed up for the challenge. :-)
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Hi Annie, after some thought I've sent you a photo of  my Meg's ears.  Meg and I work for big ranchers, when they need us to help trail several hundred head of cows home after harvest, it is  then we can  trail them across vast areas of stubble fields and  pasture land.  The cows are coming home for the winter.  We also take the cows  out to their summer pasture in the Spring.  Saskatchewan Prairies.
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Thanks Sue. I just love this photo and will definitely look to showcase it well. I will probably take a couple of days as I am battling with my copd at present. Self quarantined because of this darn virus which is causing so much havoc. It should give me more time to play but I am just so tired ... well, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it, ;D I hope you are staying safe and well. If you are out and about in that beautiful country you should be fine. <3


P.S. I had a feeling that you would recognise that sculpture, it is quite amazing.

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Hi Annie!  You were right I did  instantly recognize the sculpture. :-)  There isn't any  rush to complete the page, it's meant to be fun, and if you are not feeling up to it at the moment, that fine.  Try to get out, even if you  only walk around the house, for a bit of exercise and  take in the fresh air.  So far we are safe and well thank you.  I shop locally  once a fortnight, but I have enough provisions  to last several months.  You take are and stay safe.  The weather is lovely here, so  I'll be spending time outside, my nearest neighbour is 2 miles away .



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I'm very much a morning person,  5am is  the best time of day.  As the sun rises earlier and earlier so do I.  It's the best time of day to shoot anything and everything.  Vitamin D on your body will do you the power of good Annie.  Just being outside is a tonic in itself Annie.  Hope you perk up soon.  Now then, back to the challenge.  After a  full morning in the garden, and picked up tree branches from the wind we had a few days ago.  Evening meal prepared I  got down to creating  my page.  I had ample time  to plan my page whilst outside.  I focused on  Peter Pan sculpture.  I created everything myself, well other than the  book which I got  off pgntree, and a pic of the book cover from Amazon. Lots of different techniques involved, text on a curve, label, outlined text, masks,  masked flowers is my  own photo, gradient for background paper, frames using rectangle preset shape and a silhouette of Peter pan I found online. I found  the two photos of the Long Water and garden from the Kensington site.  I think that's it.  It all came together quite quickly. Creating the page also took me  down memory lane.  Thank you Annie for being my partner.  We'll have to do it again! I  do hope that you approve Annie.  Be careful, and stay safe my dear!
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OMG! Sue this is truly beautiful. You have really showcased the photo beautifully and the other photos accompany it nicely. They are lovely photos ... yours I presume. All the work you have done is so splendidly accomplished and the misted flowers blended in are just perfect. Challenge well met! Thank you Sue, so very much appreciated. My email addy is annie.tobin@outlook.com Hugs to you my friend. <3
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Well Sue, I was not sure which way to go so I have created two pages.


For the first I used my layout template and the papers etcetera are from a kit titled 'Cowgirl's Life'.


The second I again used my layout, the papers I created and used different blends to achieve contrasting effects.  The poppy flower and horseshoe are out of my growing collection of elements.  The pointer is one from Pixel Scrappers and I think that I created the journal frame but ... if you find out that I am fibbing let me know as I don't want to take credit for something I did not create.  I hope these are to your satisfaction Sue.  I love this photo for it's simplicity and raw beauty.


If you would like the uncompressed file for either or both just let me know via email and I will attach for you.


Thank you my friend.  <3

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What can I say, I love them both Annie!  If I had to choose one, it would be the second one.  I love the  colour blue that you used in the page.  Saskatchewan is called Land of living sky.  Probably unknowing to you, the corner punch could be used as a saddle rack, and strips going horizontal and vertical are typical of the  Sask roads.  As all roads go either  north south, or east west.  You did the photo proud, the simplicity of the photo also came through in both layouts.  Well done indeed my friend!   Thank you.   I've sent you an email.
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Hi Shirley!


Looks like it's YOU and Me! :o)


Sending my photo. It was taken at the Bar Harbor Inn in Maine on the last trip before my husband passed. It brings me a lot of joy to remember that trip. I wish it was bigger for you ... but at least it's colorful! NZ was on Earthcam and I used to watch a harbor -- I think it's was in Queensland. I loved that view on Earthcam. Is that anywhere near you?

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Hi Minka here is my photo for you.I thought I would send you water too.  This is the bridge that brings you over the river and  into our town.  I live in a pretty little  town of 4000 population in New Zealand.  Queensland is in Australia which is our sister country. You can do whatever you like with the photo.  It was taken by a local photographer who shares her photos, she has a knack of capturing some special scenes.
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I took some liberties with your picture, Shirley. I am an ocean, boater, fisherwoman at heart So, that's what you got. Fishing theme. :o) I would sit on a boat and fish every day all day if I could. I don't keep them. I haul them in and let them go. It's just the sport of it. (Probably not from the fish's point of view!) BTY ... I was wrong, it's Queenstown that I watch. We can watch the boat that takes tourists out ... and then come back. It's far off in the distance, but very recognizable. The mountains in that scene behind the water ... well, it's just stunning scenery. Have a good night everyone. I played a great deal of the day with Cassel's free class instruction today and did some of the Cartoon, Watercolor, etc etc while of course the laundry sat on the machine. Guess I have to go pay attention to chores now. :( This social distancing is giving me a little too much free time to play on the computer! I sure hope it's working though. Only three known cases in my county of Florida.
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Hi Minka,  I love what you did with my photo, you are a queen.  How did you guess I have a fishing family.  We have a fishing cottage at one of the  the locations  where Lord of the rings was filmed. I live only an hours drive from Queenstown and there she is, the Earnslaw  Lady of the lake.


I hope you like what I have done with your photo.  You mentioned the word bright, so that is what you get. I must go now and check out Carole's presentation

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Hello Shirley




I absolutely love what you made from my photo send!  Gorgeous.  I recognize all those spots.  Been there many times.  While it's a beautiful place, it's a little crowded with visitors and reflects it in the prices, too.  Many Mainer's leave it for the tourists to enjoy.  We know the more hidden or isolated places in the State we keep for ourselves. :)  I hope more people do the photo trade as it isn’t hard and I love seeing what everyone does.  Thank you for being my partner!

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It was fun,  this was my first official day in lock down so it was a good way to spend some time, maybe we could do another photo while we are waiting for more participants.  What do you think. But for now I am off to bed.



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