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What are you working on (in March 2020)?


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Annie, for the X stitch, if you were to create it as a directional tube, the stitching could even follow the angle of the edges if you wanted. Those Ravie symbols are so nice and colorful!


ScrapRic, that photo is delightful. What a way to focus on your subject!


Dorothy, which filters did you use for that image?


Bonnie, you are allowed to "throw together" any scrapbook page! It is always a delight to look at them.



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Love your letters, Annie.


Here's what I made for gaming group. The theme today was Fine Art Fashion. I tried to make it look like a fashion mood board. I added "thumbtack" heads on the pics, but I thought it was too much for the tags. I thought maybe they could be labels that were just stuck on the board so no drop shadows on them either. Any suggestions? (If I had had enough time, I would have given the background a different texture.)

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Dawn and Shutterpixi, thank you so much for your kind comments! They are very much appreciated. <3


Minka, nice work with the plaid. I love the colors.


Bonnie, very nice work, and I totally agree with the quote you added.


Dorothy, great work with the textures, and I love the "tile8".


ScrapRic, adorable example of Color Focus.


Annie, both alphas look great; the blue check would be perfect for a picnic layout, and the Ravie -bright stripes- is really a fun alpha.


Dear Michele, I'm very happy to see your work again here on the Campus! Take your time, baby steps, one day at a time. <3 ... IMHO, the page is perfect, and I love the photos you chose.


Great work, Everyone!



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Thanks so much for your kind words, Annie and Cristina. I still haven't done anything other than what I have to for my gaming group, but it's getting a little easier. I've just had some stress lately and it makes me not want to do much. Fingers crossed that it improves soon.


I don't know what style you were going for, but I love what you did, Lynn Lou.


Helen, you got it right in the text..."Learning." I think you did very well.


Very cool discovery, Dorothy. It definitely deserved a page!

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Colleen, sorry I had not seen your questions go through. Thanks for the reminder.


Question 1: I think the definition of “foil” can vary so you can possibly find tutorials to end up with different results. I can look into it. I know that Mura’s Meister plugin also has a “cloud” option (although you can create something using the Brush Variance palette and the Brush tools, plus lots of blur). As for the glass effect, I think that an overlay might be needed, but I’ll investigate.


Question 2: Although this is not free, I would recommend that you get Filter Forge when you have a chance. It often comes on sale for 80% off. Once you have the plugin, you can download thousands of individual filters. Get the Standard edition if you have a chance.


Question 3: Seamless tiling will depend on the design. With wood design, it is a bit harder. You can try with the native PSP Seamless tiling but it has some drawbacks. Usually, if I create a wood grain texture, I will create it as large as I need it to avoid seams.


Hope this helps.





Thanks for getting back with me & I'm sorry for my delayed response back to you.


- Regarding question 1, thanks, I will try playing around with different settings. What do you mean about maybe needing to use a glass overlay? I mean, I understand what an overlay is, but are you saying that I should look for a glass overlay to use?


- With question 2, I've been looking at Filter Forge, and will most likely get that. I downloaded a trial of Super Blade Pro, but it slows everything down too much & frustrates me. I hope Filter Forge is better.


- For question 3, what is native PSP Seamless tiling? I see a seamless tiling option under Effects - is that what you're referring to?  Also, were my eyes playing tricks on me, or did you have a tutorial on seamless tiling at one point?



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I was not inspired at all by my game's daily theme, "Vacaying." So I took some characters from the game and put them on a beach scene. Then there was a small shopping spree in Creation Cassel's store. After playing with my new purchases I decided to use the Word Slats script. Did a bunch of editing and ended up with this. I wonder if anyone else's wish list in the store is as long as mine.
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Colleen:  In response to your #1 question  I use textures for chrome and silver. Just open a texture in Paint shop Pro and  I park it aside.  Then go into your material palate and use the pattern, then you can play with the settings to make it bigger or smaller, twist and turn it etc. Then you can use the selection tool to pick the area you want the chrome etc and flood fill it with the texture.


The other suggestion is Super Blade Pro. It takes longer but it performs well in small areas for me like on  jewelry trim.


I sure hope these suggestion helps you .




PS some samples for flooring etc.



Thank you for the reply! And thanks for your suggestions, I'll have to play around with it.


I did download a trial version of Super Blade Pro a couple weeks ago, but it is way too slow for me and just frustrates me. It doesn't help that my computer is about 8 yrs old, so I definitely don't want more slowing it down.


Thank you for posting your samples, those look great!

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Here are a few papers I'm working on. I have some tweaking to do, with lining up, but this is the gist of them. The burgundy & cream stripe pattern - my favorite tv show is The West Wing and in the Oval Office on the show, there is a couch w/this pattern. And since I really like how it looks on the couch, I decided to make a paper from it. I then made a plaid from those stripes. The brush strokes example is from using my pink glitters as a base and then applying the brush strokes effect.
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I know, I know, I've been missing for a few days and now I come back and do a post-a-palooza.  ;)


Anyway, Cassel, question for you and/or anyone who can answer...


In my quest to get more glitters, I've seen papers on Etsy where they made the glitter paper from a pic of real glitter. I've been trying to find out how to do it and make it look really good. I went through your blog posts - about 20 of the 28 pages - and I saw one of your blog posts about extracting objects from an image, to use as an element. That is a great blog, btw, and I've saved it. (Really, all your blog posts are great :) ) What I'm wondering is if you would suggest that for using real glitter to make a paper from? Is it just a matter of getting the lighting right when I take the pic? Or is there a different way you suggest to use pics of real glitter?

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I guess I can jump in again Because I loved glitter. Not sure what color you need. I will post some samples of gold and my favorite dazed and confused ones lol


The main tool to makes these for me was using Animation shop . To have moving glitter you have to make it a gif file. Then you can open that one and it will load as a single image and ccnvert to jpg.

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