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Love Story Challenge 2020


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Félicitations pour toutes les mises en page que je viens de visionner.  On remarque l'amélioration de ceux et celles qui débutent et parfois de belles surprises nous attendent


Toujours avec des hibiscus qui ne sont pas les miens.  J'ai la chance de vivre quelques mois au Mexique et il y a des hibiscus partout



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Sue – All of your pages never cease to amaze, entertain and educate. I particularly like the chipmunk page, as it has so many details that pull it all together. Cassel touched on some, but another that you used that I liked was the curl brush. The edges of the mask look delicate, like little fine wisps. Very nice work and a lot of attention to detail, Sue – very well done!
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My Day 7.   I played a lot with the background, starting out using a portion of a landscape timber from the photo for a pattern.  Through trying lots of plugins, I found one that made the wrinkled fabric look, and another that provided the blue pattern.  My polka dots are pink, but at a much reduced opacity.  The circle frame is one I made from a circle preset shape that started white, but then I applied Effects – Texture Effects – Sculpture using goldbeads.  Then I applied Graphics Plus – Cross Shadow to it.  I selected inside the gold circle frame and used Eye Candy 4000 – Glass to give it a look of being under a glass dome.  The text is font Manohara Script. It started pink but I changed it to the gold via the inner bevel using a yellow color.  The mums are from my flower bed.
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Cassel: Thanks for the comments. I agree my day 5 page needs some help. My problem was that the pictures I was using were close-up shots, there were no margins to work with. I tried putting layers that sort of matched in color under each before making a mask so I'd have room to feather around the outside. That sort of worked. But then I started fooling around with the pictures and the page and totally lost track of what I was doing. In the end, I did an entirely different page and then added lots of stuff the first to page to make it more interesting. This is the new one. I put the reworked one next to the one I already did on day 5.
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Thank you, Annie, Carole, and Barbara, for your kind comments. <3


Everyone is creating lovey and creative layouts, and it is a joy to come here and see all this great work.


Day 6


I am still not comfortable creating the Bokeh effect. Each time I do, I learn something, but I need to practice a lot more.


I created two layouts, one following Carole's tutorial and the other following Sue's instructions from Love Story 2018 Challenge. Both instructions are great. I did each layout using different background photos, but I am only going to post one of each.

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Day 7


My heart polkadot paper can hardly be seen at 600 px, but it is there as the background paper. This year I didn't add the Wire Effect to the title, and I use the same text as Carole but with a different font (Lovely Valentine).


Paper: KAagard_BasicallyWhites_Paper5


I really enjoyed participating in this challenge again!

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Shutterpixi,  Thank you for your  very kind comment, seems rather inadequate for the compliment you paid me.  Your  kind words are very touching and very much appreciated.  Your day 7 page is exquisite.  I love  it's simplicity.


Cristina,  I love your Bokeh pages. For me it's not creating the Bokeh, but the  colour scheme.  To me I feel some colours are better suited  for this  technique.


Thank you, to the others that  have complimented me on my pages.  I  love scrolling through the pages each day.  There is so much talent out there. They are a great source of inspiration.  Well done all.


Once again I've used nature photos.  These are some of the smallest of butterflies, only 20mm.   I used one of the photos to create the background  paper.   I've used the same techniques in all of the pages for this challenge, to maintain some continuity.  I  have thoroughly enjoyed this challenge, even though I've participated before.



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I played with polka dots ... and doubled mine up ... and it came out looking like little space invaders.  I could have just taken on layer off and it would be dots, but I kind of liked them so left them.  Reminds me of the old days.  I did not use wire as this project didn't seem like it needed wire ... but going to play with wire on something else.  Inbetween times, I have been playing with the vases with the tips Cassel sent to make them seem more "rounded" ... and I also went back to day number 2 and made a plaid!  Crammed a lot in today!  LOL  I am at a different house today with different computer and supplies so will only send the polka dot for now.  When I get home I'll send a plaid.  It was easy, just like she said.  I just wasn't grasping it all on the first go round.  Sometimes I think I do a lot better if the tv is OFF and the door is closed!  No distractions.
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Sue, thank you! This is where I am not comfortable, choosing the colors of the bokeh effect and the background. I agree with you; some colors are better suited than others, I only have to find which they are by trial and error :)


The layout and photos are beautiful, and I love how you do the background papers.





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Here is my Day 3.  I love making these kaleidoscope tiles for flood-filling a background.  I often use Cassel's trick of duplicating the background and filling the underlying layer with white.  That way I can adjust the viability of the  kaleidoscope tiled background to get a faded, but colorful effect.  Font is Baroque Script.  Circular date stamp is one of Cassel's scripts.  Flowers are from Corel's flower picture tubes.
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I have really enjoyed the love story challenges and have learned a lot about masks though Im still a rank beginner at them. I was really going to try to get through the whole challenge  without doing a food themed piece this ice cream sundae was irresistible! I did make a polka dot background  but decided to go with a kalidascope pattern I madde earlier. Cassel thank you especially for the help with using two masks .
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Well what can I say, for day 7.  I was following the tut for the spots background and it went wrong but I liked it for this photo so I have used it. The photo was again in my face book feed and what is more precious than a child's love. The lace'y  mask from my masks in psp. The little owl was masked although it doesn't look like it is.  So much for being adventurous lol. The oval frame worked in a fashion, but not for the owl, so he went frame- less. The elements were from Brown Owl at scrap twist. The text from my fonts.  I was going to use the one Carole suggested but I need to look into why it didn't show up in my fonts. I like simple so I can feature the main subject. Quite a challenging week, now I can get some chores done.
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Final day! (I didn't think the wire effect font fit this layout so I didn't use it.)


Teddy the dog and Peep the cat are on the lookout for squirrels, possums, and raccoons-all three can be found in my backyard. I know raccoons can adapt to many different environments, but how possums got to a typical suburban neighborhood is a mystery to me. They're here, though, and they drive Teddy crazy at night as they do a really amazing balancing act on the overhead utility lines as well as the fence in my backyard.


Thank you so much for this challenge. I enjoyed each day's assignment and I learned a lot--not only about PSP but also about my design style.

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