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Love Story Challenge 2020


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Hi Scrapbook Campus.  Here is my Day 3 project.  I did use the mask from Pixel Scrapper and, I made the background by following Carole's kaleidoscope tutorial and it took a little while to achieve the result I was happy with.  I set it in the patterns tab at 45 degrees and 25% size.  I then added a solid paper to overlay and tone down the colours of the kaleidoscope pattern.  The floral corner is my own creation from my watercolour graphics folder which is a forever folder.  Thanks for takin a peek!
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Lynn, the blending of the mask makes it almost like the image is part of the background. Great work.


Annie, the black and white image makes the overall page stunning.


Shirley, your result does not show at all that you are "not in love" with masks. What part is still "stumping" you? In the second project here, what mask did you use? it looks so good! And it seems to come faster with each project, which is great.


Jnet, une page toute délicate! Le fait de découper les pétales par-dessus le cadre donne un effet délicat!


Minka, your use of the mask is perfect. As for plaids, it is often a matter of "playing" with the colors and size, and a suitable result is not always the first one we get. And yes, the challenge is all about learning more about the tools and how to use them. And the Kaleidoscope effect can certainly take a long time to find something we like. I also always use randomized settings until I find something suitable.


Lydia, making your own paper always has that advantage of perfectly matching since you are the designer and you choose the color palette yourself. That is one great advantage over trying to find ready-made supplies. I love how you placed the tail over the frame! A small detail that makes a great effect.


Trish, I see you made a larger shadow on your flower. I might have been unclear in what I said previously; I thought of a blurred shadow. But of course, if you want to "envision" the flowers like a cutout in paper, you can definitely do it too. YOU are the creator! I love your Mardi Gras project. You reminded me of that day. Here, my husband knows that day as Pancake Tuesday, but when I reminded him, he said he had already prepared dinner and forgot it was supposed to be pancakes!


Sue, using other tools to create you project is always welcome, and it is great when you share what you did so others can be inspired AND try it too!


Shutterpixi, how was it to create your own mask? Was it new to you? or challenging?


Leslie, it is always a good idea to add those details: location, date and names when appropriate because even though WE know, others might not (and sometimes, we also forget!). Your kaleidoscope effect looks like a patchwork design :) For the plaid, you might need to lower the opacity of the top layer if you want the effect to show through.


Barbara, you are totally free to use the "long way" instead of a shortcut. It is all a matter of preferences and PSP gives you that option. Your shadows are good on the page, however, is it a shadow in the opposite direction on the title? As for the Load/save masks, it will always use the whole surface of the image, which might be wanted, but not always, so now, you have another way to use mask.


Peggy, you are determined and it shows. Learning those tips and techniques take practice, and I am sure it will get easier with future projects.


Lynda, good choice of mask. Was it one from PixelScrappers?


Gwen, great first project. You should have time to catch up!


Annie, your background is very delicate because I don't see the kaleidoscope effect ;)

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Thanks Carole. For my 2nd day, I used one that came with my psp 2020. Yes I was happy with it and loading it from my psp was a lot easier. Because your tutorial for masks is in the 1st project, I have had  lot of to and frowing.  Lots of layer shifting.  If you were here you would probably laugh at me and do it in one click, but as my husband would always say when things were going wrong.  "You won't give up will you"
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Cassel: The actual drop shadows I applied all go in the same direction. But, I've been playing with adding depth to different fonts and elements by duplicating the letters or objects and making the bottom layer black or white. Then I move that bottom layer either up or down a little to the right or left. I particularly like moving to the left with fonts...for some reason, they're more pleasing to my eye that way. I usually move that bottom layer in the same direction for all of the elements, but I notice I didn't do that on my Peep page. So, I'll go back and correct it now!
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Here's my day 4 of the Love Story challenge.  This was an easy page to create, as I had previously made the masks.  The  Shaped Text tutorial can be found  in the Lab.  The frame   is a combination of a brush, a font and a preset rectangle.  Which looks a bit quirky, but then so is the relationship between Tess and Tomi.  So I'll  call this page quirky love!  :-)
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Cassel - It was easy to create my own mask following your instructions (I’ll admit to having the benefit of going through this challenge last year). It’s quite freeing to be able to make a mask that suits my needs rather than having to rely on a pre-made mask of someone else’s that might not be what I want. Thank you!


To all those folks who are struggling with masks, I have to agree with Cassel and others who have urged you to hang in there and keep trying. You’ll have that “Aha!” moment and after that, you’ll be so happy!

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