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Love Story Challenge 2020


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Hi Y'all, Late getting started. Getting ready for Mardi Gras here and have guests arriving on Saturday. They will be staying till Wednesday so don't know how much I'll get done. It's great to see the regulars and awesome to see newbies. Everyone's pages look wonderful. At the moment I'm trying to install Ultimate over 2020 and having issues.


COLLEEN: Don't give up! There's lots of help and Cassel and the regulars here are all very supportive and full of knowledge.


So Happy Mardi Gras everyone. Can't wait to get started.

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Annie - I love how you transformed the bleak day of the picture -- wonderful job!  Great creativity!


Jnet - Your hibiscus is so beautiful!


Sue - Your swallow image is very nice and as always, great info on what you did.  The 2nd swallow image you posted showcases its striking colors -- great photograph!


Trish, Barbara, Cristina, Lynda - Wonderful work!



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Hi all,


I'm a little late getting Day 1 posted and starting on Day 2.  I'm fighting a cold so my brain is not working well.  I managed to figure out the Masks, but I can't remember how to access the text to update it.  When I click on the Text layer and then the Text tool I end up creating a new raster layer instead of editing the "titre ou petit texte ici".  Would love a reminder about Text.  Thanks.  Also, my husband is camera shy so my pictures will be of places we travelled to together - This one is Niagara Falls.



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My Day 2.  The Gulf Fritillary, also known as the passion butterfly, is most commonly found in Florida and Texas. They have a defense mechanism in which they release odorous chemicals in response to predator sightings. As a result, common predators learn to avoid this species (I assume that’s why the garden spider in the picture isn’t interested, though the wing of this one seems to indicate it has been through a battle or two.)


I used the provided Cytisia-DCS-Template artsy2 file but made adjustments to the mask and other parts to fit my needs. I opted to use the plaid I made as a border instead of a background so as to not compete with my photo. Fonts I used are Gabriola and Mr DeHaviland.

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Sue Thomas...your photography and your page is lovely.  Can you give me some pointers on how to photograph birds? I would appreciate it. I have a number of lenses , one of which is a new Tamron telephoto lens, 150 to 600. Trying to decide if I should send it back. Thanks. digregorphotography850@gmail.com





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Hi Lynda, thank you for your kind comment on my photographs and page.  I'm not a professional photographer.  My bridge camera is a Panasonic FZ300, which I upgraded to from the FZ200.  The FZ300 is far superior. It's a camera which doesn't support zoom lenses, other than the  Raynox macro convertor lens.  The max  zoom on my camera is 600mm, with  600mm digital zoom, which I have disabled.  I have the ISO set to a max of 400.  To shoot birds I use Aperture mode, set at AFS/AFF. The  exposure metering mode is always set to  centre. I have a monopod, but rarely use is.  The majority of my shots are  taken  by hand  held only.  Focus, on my camera is set to f4.5.  Which I find is  it's sweet spot.  For my camera I find  that  those setting, give the best results.  I always use a lens hood!   It has to purposes, one to reduce lens flare, and the other to protect the lens.  I use one to reduce lens flare, even when I take macro shots.  I hope this helps!  I've only ever used Panasonic bridge cameras, so I can't speak for other makes.
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This was a little easier  but its not coming naturally . did they have layer groups in PSP x5 because I don't seem to remember these procedures I did make a plaid but changed it into a pattern . this is my oldest granddaughter 9 in this picture  but about to turn 25  in real life the day before I turn 72 and the day after my youngest granadaughter turns 7.
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Jnet you have created such a pretty page, well done my friend.

Trish, a beautiful romantic page, well done Hon.

Barbara, what a delightful story and a lovely page you have created as a tribute to Rahne, well done.

Sue, your pages are always simplified and beautifully showcase the true subject matter. I always admire your photography and pages, thank you Hon.

Lynda, you are a sweetheart and a true romantic. This page, I suspect, is just the beginning of a beautiful love story. Well done my friend.

Leslie, your page oozes a love of nature and showcases it nicely, well done.

Shutterpixi, I love how you have achieved this page, the colours are lovely and well suited to the subject, and, I love the plaid frame. Well done my friend.

If I have missed anyone, my apologies. It is delightful to peruse your work over my morning coffee. Thank you my friends and thanks also for your lovely comments regards my efforts, muchly appreciated.

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My  Nan loved her  Hydrangea was her Favourite plant, I took a cutting to keep it going,  use some hydranga heads from various kits , some I place behing the page layers and faded them out, . The grundge I made into another mask and put a copy of the photo in to extened the view text is, Dalston and Emporium
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Cristina, that background is really interesting and being monochrome,  it lets the photos shine!


Jnet, I am glad you learned another trick for the text. Amazing how we can learn everywhere.


Trish, that is such a delicate layout. You have a lot of details yet it does not look crowded at all.


Barbara, it seems like you worked out the use of the mask. I think you might add some shadows to the elements on your page to give it a little more "volume".


Sue, you also had fun with the text!


Leslie, you did great with the mask. As far as the "text" that comes with the template, it typically is rasterized when it is a psd template so you cannot edit it. But even if you could, you would likely want to change the font, the size, the color, etc. So when you see such a layer, it is just an indication where to add the text on your own.


Shutterpixi, that plaid border is a great addition to your project. And that photo is so great!


Peggy, you are doing good. It takes a while to get comfortable with masks but once you get used to them, it will be much easier (just like riding a bike).


Trish, those are beautiful flowers. Considering the volume usually associated with those flowers, you might want to consider adding a large and blurred shadow to give them that impression of volume.


Marita, this is a great result if this is your first try with masks! Looking forward to your next projects!

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Love story and masks are not really a loved up place for me, but with my usual determination I have succeeded in my some what weird fashion.  I was going to use my wedding photos, which had much more love, but when I was looking through my face book feeds this morning I came across this image and it just took my fancy so here it is. I took the flower from House of memories and the paper is a Daudous design.  I hope Day 2 is more compatible for my sense of humour.
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I don't know how far my sense of humour will go with this project Annie.  I couldn't download the suggested mask as I got a box come up saying this file  doesn't have an app with it for performing this action, so because I had so many issues with the last flaming masks, I loaded one of my own psp.  The paper is from rush ranch, the elements were from various designers from my stash. This was our last Anniversary as my love passed away 8 weeks later on the anniversary of our first date so we did have 62 yrs in real. The star is bright that shines above me.
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Thank you Carole and Annie for your comments,  yes Carole I also thought it needed a large shadow, but it seemed to interfer with the balance of the layout, and as they were/ are supposed to be sketches representing the real flower in the picture I decide to leave them as paper so as not to detract from the photo, but looking at it now, what the size change has done to it, I agree with you it does look like its missing something, perhaps I will go back and re dress that, as it doesnt look like the original I meant it to be, thank you for the critisism, much appreciated. xx


There are so many wonderful pages on here, surprising how many things  we chose to love, that make our lives happy. and the wonderful layouts created to show that off, well done everyone xx they are all beautiful xx

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Four ...maybe five tries later ... I guess I can live with it. But I am going back to master that plaid. That kept me befuddled! My plaids looked pretty horrible. I get the concept, it just wasn't working for me. I was pretty tired from a long day. Maybe this morning some mojo will kick in. :)
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