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What are you working on in February 2020?


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Trish and Annie: Thanks for the kind comments ladies. I sure need them after being at work today. It is great to be with some "sane" folk who are not screaming at me because they have to pay some more on their taxes. <sigh>


I actually bought a kit today from Tiny Turtle designs called "Love Candy"



I guess it means I am actually hooked on scrapping. I also took their link to very many tubes.com and got the gal for this attempt.

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Thank you Christina, I enjoyed doing that one. Please you appreciated it xx

Annie did you pick up the email with the pressy , look forward to seeing it.    Rose Fusion seems to have gone mad, such a cheery colour, although hate to think our living rooms will go that colour once more, Its not often we get a chance to use that colour, but it is surprising how much of it we have , todays was going to be another when I found my goldfish, but then then it needed water and my favourite Turquoise took over. It was a fun one to do xx

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Hello Ladies and Gentlemen;


I have finally finished Basic Scrap Course 1, module 3.  As usual, I don't seem to be able to follow the rules entirely but merge off into a different direction.  This time I used one of my favorite photos of my two eldest grandsons when they were small.  I was always so pleased and proud of how close they always were. I didn't want to do the traditional layout because this image really wasn't suited to it since the boys were sitting on the floor in front of a very floral sofa with a piece of extremely colorful wrapping paper on the floor in front of them with clashing colors and styles.  Jake, the younger boy had a favorite stuffed toy mouse that he took everywhere so since I love collecting psp tubes of mice myself, I decided to go in that direction.


First, I selected the wrapping paper on the floor and flood filled it with the mouse paper, then I separated Jake and Billy from the background and saved it as a tube, added the shadow and chose my background papers, placing a shadow on each layer.  I had this mouse maze that fit into the theme I had in mind, so used that as my second layer placing the boys and adding the shadow to that.  Then the pink to pick up the pink of the mice's ears and a gray to pull it all together, each with their own shadows.   The three mice were separated from their background and each made into a tube with their own layers, off-set to make room for the text that I turned vertically because of its length instead of placing individual letters vertically ,that I did do at first but wasn't happy with.  I didn't use a shadow for the lettering because I thought it looked too fussy with this font.  I used the mice in place of the embellishment grouping because they are just so darn cute.  I did go through all the steps in the video though and I love learning all these new methods.


The boys, BTW, are now grown.  The younger is in training to become a fireman and the elder works in construction and is the same grandson that was in my earlier page taking his little step-daughter to her first Father-daughter dance.  I am very proud of them and Cassel, I hope you don't mind my bending the rules, I'm still paying attention to everything you teach, you are the best.


Have a lovely evening and I WILL TRY to follow module 4 to the letter, I promise!





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Hello dear Campus.  I followed a tutorial from Espace Tine for the background of this one but went my own way with the text and image.  The photo is from Unsplash and was taken by Davide Ragusa.  I think the colours are sublime.  I misted the photo in tune with the requirements of the tutorial and I had in my collection the sunrise tube which fitted beautifully with the image and snuggled nicely into the text ... minimal manipulation required.  Thanks for takin a peek!
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April Dawn:  Thank you for the lovely comments. I sure appreciate them :)


Cristina: I am so glad you have enjoyed my layouts :)


Trish: As usual your work has made me a happy camper. Now all I need is to get out and go fishing and hope to catch  one that big. I doubt it cause a local caught a 810 lb. Tuna here


Diana: What a lovely setting for your grandsons!  I like your poetic flair as well. Rules are made to be broken is my attitude when it comes to the creations we all make.


Annie; That is so pretty and I love the colors. That German scene is delightful. I just may sneak over and try my hand  at one of their Tuts.


Here is the very first page of my "our 50 years together" which I am starting hopefully in year 49. These are the cars we bought the first year we were married. This photo of his car was taken the day the Army sent him to Korea.  The next of my car was taken 15 minutes later when a bad storm was starting to blow up. These were taken in Miami Florida. My car was called Tweety Bird and his was called Yellow Bird.

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There has been some beautiful work for everybody this month, everyone has been so active and creative, it has been a pleasure to view these pages everyday.


Thank you Carole for all your help.


Annie have you got got the address of that lace sight please, I misslaid the last one. I just adore those laces dollies, well done . Thank you xx


Here is the Sunflower I made for that tag above

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Hans Veth took a photo of the giant eagle owl and it is available for download from Unsplash.  I used it for a tutorial by Elizabeth Creations.  The tutorial made use of the pick tool and 3 plugins.  It was simple to do and very interesting.  A lot of online tutorials hand feed you with selections and tubes etcetera and they do deliver stunning results but do not necessarily enhance your psp knowledge.  It is always refreshing to find tutorial writers who encourage you to use the tools available in PSP.  I will be trying more of Elizabeth Creations tutorials as she has produced some beautiful work.  Thanks for takin a peek!
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Annie you are not the only one having trouple with the site, Google refused to let me open it, and then I couldnt add anything, actually that happened first.   Google has been messing me around all day today, I just posted somewhere else, and it typed something completely different, then wouldnt let me erase it,   Thank you for the email and the info very much appreciated, and well done on another wonderful project xx



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