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What are you working on in February 2020?


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Thank you Annie, you are a sweetheart. Cassie, I've downloaded that darn zipfile three times but somewhere between the zipfile and the trusted scripts I  lose the file  and just the folder is there but no file, I don't know what I am doing wrong.  I've watched that video over and over.  How should I get the file from winzip to trusted scripts, that seems to the problem.  I feel like such a dummy!
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Annie, that feature is fairly new so it is no wonder you didn't know about it. It was added in version X9.


Diana, when you unzip the file, how do you do it? Are you unzipping "just like that" or are you asking the program to put things in a folder? Read this post to see more about what I am talking about. Maybe that is where the file gets "lost".

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Diana, those Kindle books are only available in Kindle format, but I gathered those tips, organized them in categories, added more screenshots and it is now available in a paperback format. You can find it here. You can download the index on that page and by clicking on the image for the book, it will direct you to the correct Amazon for you.


And as a celebrity, I certainly don't have the $$ of one! ;)

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I have had in my possession a number of scrap kits by Alicia Mujica and I really love her artistry. I had a pc clean-up yesterday and sorted through a lot of my scrap kits and decided that I must do something with them. These two pages have been created using the very nice photos of David Clode from Unsplash and the kit "Africa" by Alicia. Thanks for takin a peek!
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Hi Scrapbook Campers.  I have used another of Alicia Mujica's kits for this one, "Autumn Days".  The layout, right border, arrow and journal card are my only contributions.  The title was achieved by using textArt which I am falling in love with even though it has a major glitch in that I can only use one font and that being Arial Black!  Not to worry though as it is a freebie plugin and I love the results.  Thanks for takin a peek!
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I thought I would show this lace that I made today.  Believe it or not, this is made from a simple floral corner and the kaleidoscope tool in psp.  I have had this tutorial saved for a very long time and the link is still viable!  In case any of you are interested the link is below.  The tut is for psp version 8 (yep ... old!) Perhaps Cassel would do an updated version for us ... if that is allowed but I did note that the tut is copyrighted. Thanks for takin a peek!





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Hi Scrapbook Campers.  This is the kaleidoscope pattern I used for day 3 of love-story challenge.  I have included a screenshot of the settings because no matter what square part of the photo you use these settings create a seamless tile.  The secret though is definitely in the area selection of the photo.  Thanks for takin a peek!
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You are such a sweetie Trish, thank you. I thought that valentine's lace might be right up your alley, :) Of course you may snag or I can email it to you as a .png if you would prefer because I think I posted it as a .jpeg and you would have to extract it. Let me know Hon and please have a go at the tutorial. It tests the brain cells a little and you have to do a bit of playing around but the end result is worth it. <3
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I was lucky to receive some bows and braids from Cassel recently so thought since I worked late and get to go in later tomorrow  I would play with them a bit. I did get one image completed. I am tired and will be so glad when April 15th and tax season ends. And yes it is snowing here tonight.
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