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Bootcamp - November 2019


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Jackie, although it is not a "bug" per se, it is a particularity: the marching ants always seem to be invisible if you have a vector tool active. Just change tool (like the Move tool) and you will see them reappear. Yet, the selection is still there.


Jerri, the settings for the Magic Wand would be to set the mode to Replace, the Match mode: Opacity, Tolerance: 0.

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Thanks.  I'll keep that in mind.  I have faced similar problems in the past, where I know something isn't working as it should.  Anyway, here is my second layout for day 4.  It's a bit plain.  I couldn't think of a title and even if I did, I would have had trouble with it since the background paper is busy, so maybe I would have made a mat for it too but then that would have been too many pieces of paper.
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Here's my Day 5 project. I would have used different background papers for these pictures if I had some but these aren't too bad in a pinch. It was quite exciting to discover that pattern page in the colour wheel but it never occurred to me to use the goodies in there for my project until after I was finished lol.
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I did not have photos of my parents and grandparents that went well together so  extracted the colors from their clothes for the papers. My daughter in the photo,  now age 44 had asked me to do something for her  so I let this one do double duty. the butterfly is a preset shape the flowers were from a group  mega kit and just say AC , May 2004
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My Day 7 Project


The girl cutting the cake is Chantel and it is her 7th Birthday.


The cake is a 2kg cake and as you can see it is in the shape of a 7


One of the things they like to do is smear the icing on each others faces.  Seems a waste of icing but it's what they love to do.


The class is at a school in Mtwapa.  A small town outside of Mombasa Kenya

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Thanks.  I even thought maybe my program had something wrong and ended up using 3 different programs.  Ended up going back to the most recent.  I am going to try again just to make sure I am able to use this tip you gave to us.  There must be a simple little glitch in my brain cells.
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Hi Cassell


I haven't been doing from project 4 as I have been away and now are waiting for someone to come and look at my computer as all the color has disappeared, can't come until tomorrow afternoon . Tried to fix it with Google but nothing happened.  I will still do the projects as I find them interesting always something to learn in each. I haven't seen my 3 and 4 come through but perhaps I'm looking in the wrong place.



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Jackie, on your Day 4, a title can always be added later, and if you use an alphabet or thick blocky letters, it can stand out just fine on that background. Don't worry. The inspiration for a title might just come later. Remember to add a date and name for that layout so anyone looking at it would know who it is and when it was taken.


Ann, I think the background looks fine. You can always make it a solid color that is different if you want. Or, if you keep your page with the layers intact, you might find other papers later and you can change it. That is the beauty of the DIGITAL scrapbooking! You can always change your mind!


Peggy, that is a lovely layout with those photos of your parents. I heard of a way to take out the reddish colors of older photos. I'll have to dig a bit and make a tutorial on that. I also have some older photos affected that way. I am sure many of us do.


Trish, that is a fun font you have. I love the interlacing you did with the ribbons!


Barb, adding those shadows really make it look more dimensional! Good work. However, I THINK you forgot them (or shared the unshadowed version) for the Day 6 project.


Carole, I agree that blending those papers really gives a soft look overall. I think your shadows are a bit large as far as offset is concerned, especially on some elements like the confetti. For the Frame, it works well, but the confetti seem to float. Do you see what I mean?


Andrew, lovely use of the kit and the frame. You might want to add a date to that layout to really pinpoint that event.


Jerri, did you try the settings given. If it is not working, what does it do instead of what you want?


Gwen, if you don't find the emails, there should be one, tomorrow, with a list of all the previous links and passwords just in case one email is lost in cyberspace. Still, have a look in your spam, just in case.

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I decided to use the kit which is probably the first time ive done a layout entirely from a kit, I enjoyed the layout and the tips and tricks but will probably remake this with different colors and elements I would  have redone things for more contrast but was running out of time. I have really enjoyed the bootcamp and it has been a very effective refresher and inspiration.
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Here is my day 6 project. I haven't tried all the techniques yet but I definitely will. I was wondering how I managed to get rounded corners on my pictures but then I watched the day 7 video haha. My background was two papers layered together with the top one set to around 26 percent opacity. I might go back and texture the frames later.


Thank you for providing access to all of the wonderful scrapbook kits Cassel! They're really pretty and will get me down the road for some time.


And thank you to everyone who is posting their beautiful works of art. You're all giving me fantastic ideas!

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Here's the last one. This is our dog Obi, who had a spinal cord injury in 2015 which left him partially paralyzed. We had one of his back legs amputated in 2016 since it was hindering his movement and balance. He is still thriving today and enjoys walks in his "wheelchair".


Thank you so much Cassel for your fantastic bootcamp and exceptional skills. You're an excellent instructor! I learned SO MUCH and I'm excited to delve into more in the future.

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