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Bootcamp - November 2019


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My difficulties were not related to the actual tutorial,  I made my papers on the fly with layer s and blends and then got unexpected effects when adding the drop shadows, plus the photos were so dark that there was not much detail to bring out  I did use a glitter but added an overlay to modify the color so.it may not be obvious.  Base paper was.made from a digital.painting called unicorn barf, plus a pink .tile  and a plain  violet textured paper .my daughter is  often called purple girl which explains the color choices.. I used a smudge painted flower, a buttonized  dingbat for the flourish and a gold peacock motif I had previously made with a preset shape ,The peacock is the motif of the Goddess Hera and as such  an ancient emblem .of marriage
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Henry, if you are ever stuck on something, don't hesitate to post a question or drop me an email!


Lynn, I had to enlarge the image to realize why you called it Peek-a-boo! Good one!


Andrew, that is a good idea to blur the faces of people you don't have permission to use. That is very thoughtful. I am glad to see that you noticed the absence of shadows and I am glad you added it to the same post. It makes the comparison even more obvious. Doesn't it make a big difference?


Connie, no problem in being "behind". You are catching up already. On your last layout, is it possible that the left-side picture was slightly distorted?


Peggy, your layout is great. Since you kept the layered version, once you have your computer battery charged back, you can try to improve the photos with Adjust > Brightness and Contrast > Levels. You might be surprised by what could be achieved. If not, let me know and I'll send you the ebook on 8 tips to improve your photos. You can often save photos like that.



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Here's my Day 4 page. I enjoyed experimenting with the dandelion layers from the demo kit. I had a bit of trouble with the text. It was tricky getting back to my title to edit it but I eventually figured it out. The hardest part of scrapbooking for me is deciding what elements to include. I want to use them all haha. I'm really, really enjoying seeing everyone's fantastic creativity!
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I had some time, so I worked on a Day 4 project using what free papers and images I could find online. It's the first time I've had any success using layers, so I'm rather pleased even though it's not as very polished and has a very personal addition. I'm liking this program (PSP Pro 2018) better than I have since I bought it last year. Many thanks for such helpful tutorials.
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Hi Everybody,


I'm Jackie and I live in Rockville, Md, a suburb of DC.  I love digital scrapbooking but haven't spent a lot of time on it recently but am trying to make more time for something I enjoy.  Cassel, your videos are the best!!  You have been such a great help.  I finished the basic class here and I was so impressed and it has helped me tremendously.  Thanks so much!!


This is my first layout from day 3 of camp.  I used supplies I already had from previous downloads off the internet.  I got the felt turkey from Holley VanDenBerg and the pilgrim hat and red paper from Wyld Web Designs.  I'm not sure if my elements are "balanced" at the bottom but I couldn't find any more felt-looking embellishments and I didn't have a flower that would match with the felt pieces.

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Wow! I go to bed and I come back to a lot of great work!!! Yet, my previous post disappeared. I apologize if you were waiting for it.


Ann, it is interesting how you did use the dandelion. Typically, I would have tried to make it a 3D element, but you used it in a great way that probably looks better than what I would have done in 3D. I love that resulting paper.


Jerri, you kept the layered version of the page, didn't you? YOu can easily change Friendship to something else to go with how they are more than friends now in that layout! When you mentioned a problem adding the border around the photo, was it for the Day 6 project? Where are you getting stuck? Are you using the Select Selection Border?


Henry, that is a great hobby to document. It is one of those stories that we live through but often just keep in our hear. You can make other pages with various projects she makes. As for the layout, double-check your shadows. I think a couple of them were either forgotten, or the layer might have been hidden when you saved the jpg version.


Julie, thank you for your kind words about my teaching style. On your Day 1 project, you can surely add more shadows to get your elements to pop out more (especially that photo).


Carole, on the Day 5 and Day 6 projects, I think the shadows are either missing or very small. Without going overboard, you can probably make them a bit larger.


Andrew, your Day 6 project shows well how you used different size shadows for the photos and the flower. It does make a difference, don't you think? You had fun with the multicolored title. I hope you will find other opportunities to use that technique!


Jackie, welcome to the bootcamp! Glad you find the tutorial instructive. For your Day 1, I think you need to add more obvious shadows. That might help with that balance too as it will show some dimension to the elements.


Lynn, you went all out on the shadows for Day 5. Did you also add a bevel of the elements? they all look fairly thick while very consistent so the overall is good!


Connie, were you trying to use the Select Selection Border command to add the borders around the photos? If you used the Brush tool instead, you can see how there are often multiple ways to achieve the same result in PSP. It is so flexible!


Barb, did you use an offset of 0 on the shadows? They seem to be even all around the papers and photo. That could be a great way to give some definition if the papers and the background are of a similar color. However, you need to add some shadows on the right and bottom (so with a positive offset) to them give more "thickness" to them. But you can definitely keep the shadow you have, and add more. Nice goat. How many do you have (or do they have)?

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I told you that I was having problems with doing the frames.  This is something I really want to learn to do as I think I would use it doing scraps quite a bit.  I am not sure how I fixed it but I think I had a setting wrong  for the magic wand.  I kept trying to see all of your settings when you showed it to us.  The tolerance was not 0 and the other setting was a check in Use all layers.  If you could tell me the settings all the way across it might help me.


Here is my final photo and I did get the frames.  Whew was I happy!

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Thanks, Csssel, I will try enlarging the drop shadows--I had them set at 5 for the papers and 15 for the elements.  I'm having a problem though--in working on my next layout, I'm trying to select shapes on other papers and noticed that the marching ants disappear as soon as I click after I made a shape.  I checked and I do not have my marquee turned off.  In fact, nothing is getting selected.  Do you know what could be wrong?  I tried using the smart selection tool for something else and nothing happened.  Thanks, Jackie





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