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Double Take Challenge 2019


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Our newest challenge will soon start. Are you in?


What do you plan to feature in your double-pages project?


The challenge will start on August 26th, so there is plenty of time for you to find your photos and invite friends to join.


And this challenge will be FREE for everyone, so spread the word.


Here is the link again: https://scrapbookcampus.com/promo/double-take-challenge/


Let us know if when you are registered, and in order to help and inspire others, tell us what you plan on showcasing. Don't worry, you can always change your mind, but I am sure other participants will love to get ideas.

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Hello Carole and shutterpixi, I registered too for this challenge. Will it be a challenge like "publish-it"?


It will not be difficult to find photos but rather to make a clear choice! I think about the many flower close-ups I have or photos of art objects I did during museum visits from different countries or sculpture curiosities I discovered during several walks :-)!



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Thanks for the quick answer, Carole, I will make a selection this time of the different subjects before. That will surely help, otherwise I'm going to run out of time! That happened last time when I tried to go on with Publish it.
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Invite your friends too. They might just wait for an opportunity to try digital scrapbooking, and don't worry, there will be very little fluff so you won't need extra supplies (although you can always use them if you have some).


Do you know photographers? It might be a great way for them to showcase all those thousands of photos they take (ok they might not fit a thousand photo in the 7 layouts but they can get a lot of ideas).


Remember, the more participants we have, the more ideas and inspiration we each get!

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I have registered too.  I'm looking forward to taking part. Is it the same double take challenge we did last year Carole?  I used some macro shots of insects last time, including the 4 stages of the life cycle of the ladybird. I have already chosen photos for this challenge.  Birds of Sask 2018.
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Yes Sue, it will be the same as last year. I am always hoping to get new people to join so I would not have to make brand new challenges every time (which is a lot of work, as you can imagine!). But of course, repeat participants, although it will be the same technique for them, will have a chance to also include anything else they might have learned in the past year.
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Yes, lots of photos. In my demos, I used a total of 61 photos! If you don't have enough photos to have a single theme for all of them, you can choose a different theme for each. The number of photos ranges from 4 to 14 in my examples. You could use more, you could use less.
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Hi Carole and Scrapbookers. I have registered for this challenge. Hope I can find suitable photos from my summer travels and visits to a country show. May bea late starter as 26th is a Bank Holiday here in the UK and hope to visit another Country Show on that day (weather permitting)



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James, it is not a problem if you start later. The tutorials will stay there.


To everyone else, don't scramble to find 60+ photos of the same theme. If you have them and you want to create 7 double-pages on that theme, it is fine but you can also choose different themes for each day. It is ok too!


There is less than 2 days before the start. All lurkers are encouraged to come and say "hi". If you are shy to be alone, bring a friend along. We are very welcoming whether you are an experienced scrapbooker, a beginner or someone who has never even considered scrapbooking but has some photos to show off.

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Hello Scrapbook Campers.  Here is my first double page for the double take challenge.  I used the template provided by Cassel and I must say that I really do love the way the masks work ... it was a great refresher.  The photos used are all courtesy of Unsplash.  The kit used is by MarisaL from PixelScrappers "A Mug A Book".  The alpha is Cassel's "Old Book Alphabet".  Thanks for takin a peek!
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Day 1 of the Double take challenge.  I usually post on facebook. Day one of the Double take challenge. I must confess I did this same challenge last year, but I used photos of insects. This year I'm going with birds. The word bird, which has head and eyes of birds in each letter, was from no kit 2, masterclass, a technique I use a great deal. Each bird photo is on a flash card, so that I don't forget what little birds they are.(very unlikely :-) )

The fledged bird at the very top is a juvenile house sparrow.


Lovely layout Annie, good use of the old book alphabet.

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Annie and Sue, you both are off to a great start!! Very impressive indeed.


I am a little confused though. I registered for this challenge but I didn't get any email indicating the start like I did with the Publish It Challenge. I wonder if I should register again? I wasn't at the Campus when ya'll created last years Double Take so I'm clueless how to start.

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Don't panic Sharon, some of us was  sent  the wrong email by mistake.  Might be  because we did the challenge last year. If you have registered you'll get  an email  very soon.  In fact imminent  I'd say depending on where you live. The Challenge  doesn't start until the 26th.  Thank you for you for your very kind comment.



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How do you save a PSD file in PSP.  PSP indicates that some features are not supported.  I tried saving as a RIF file but lost all my layers.  I am unable to use the TIFF format because there are no layers - or how do go about creating the layers in the TIFF format?
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David Specht.  You will always get that notification, saying the  PSP doesn't support some  aspects of the PSD file.  All you have to do is  save the  file as a PSP.  When you open it in PSP, you'll be able to  use the layers, elements and whatever else as you would  any other PSP file.
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Sharon, there was a (human) glitch in the emails, and the "get ready" email that should have been sent on Sunday night was not, but the Day 1 email was sent instead of being sent this morning. Quite a confusion. You should have received yours through that glitch, yesterday. If not, drop me an email and I'll send it to you manually.
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David, do you need to open or save in PSD?


In PSP, you can open PSD files in layers but it will not maintain the vector layers and those will be rasterized. Also, layer styles and such will not be maintained.


If you want to save in PSD, you can do so just like you would save any other file.


As for TIFF files, there is no chance in PSP. It does not open them with the layers and cannot save in that format.

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