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July TUT/TECH Challenge - Painting on the wall


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The Campus is the perfect place to learn more about photo editing, various techniques, or PSP in general.


This challenge will give you an opportunity to practice some of those techniques or use some tools.


This month's Tut/Tech Challenge is to add photos on a wall using the perspective deformation of the Pick tool. Use any template you can find, or create your own wall.


HERE is a tutorial you can follow. DIAMOND members can also watch this class on Perspective to create a wall from scratch.

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Thanks shutterpixi !


A few informations afterwards (it was a bit late in the night when I did the upload). One season is missing, may be I will try to work it out and add the 4th. The 1st pic, winter window, was a free one from Pixabay. For the next two I took the brown window frame, used the tools "eraser and background eraser" to get rid of the winter landscape, found pics for spring and summer, adjusted in the window, added sun flowers and the squirrel interested in walnuts :-). Hobo is the font I used. For the green color around the windows I used the scratch remover for the first time because when I did the flood fill there were still little white traces. Good training.

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Thanks Micfin and Annie! Whimsical sounds funny, I did not know the word before.

That is fine Annie if you feel inspired, because normally you are the one who inspires us.


Wanda the images are lovely and it would be certainly interesting to go on with the room.

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I found a great png window so I decided to make this one windows with a view!  Took some working and I don't doubt that I have a lot more to learn but it was fun ... I really need to get that lighting right though, :D  Thanks for takin a peek.


P.S.  I need to add some cornice moulding and skirting board to make it picture perfect, lol!

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libera, Wanda Sue, Trish, and Annie, you all create some very nice and creative layouts. Well done!


Sue McGuire, this sweet young lady is so cute! ... You sure had a lot of patience working with the perspective tool and the end result came out great.

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