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July Theme Challenge - CAMPING


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Are you an outdoor-zy person? Do you do camping? Did you do it a long time ago? Are you still doing it? Where do you go?


I have seen some great layouts in the Publish it challenge that could even be used to showcase this theme. Don't hesitate! Show them off again!


Let's all go camping with you!

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Hello Scrapbook Campers.  As I said in one of my "Publish It" posts I did love that challenge so I am using one of the templates to showcase this delightful camping photo from Unsplash, which was taken by Andreas Ronningen.  OK, I do admit that I am an Unsplash fanatic but when one doesn't have a camera or photos of one's own it is surely the best way to go!  I am not particularly an outdoor-zy person as the opportunity just never came around for me ... however, I do think I would have enjoyed it immensely.  Thanks for takin a peek.
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This page has been inspired from the layout by Nvmagpie and the lovely scrap kit by Brooke Gazarek from Pixel Scrappers.  The photo is of a camping spot on Fraser Island.  Fraser Island stretches over 123 kilometres in length and 22 kilometres at its widest point. With an area of 184 000 hectares it is the largest sand island in the world.  The island is just off the coast of Queensland and is a very popular tourist attraction.  My siblings have visited there many times but even though it is just off the coast of Bundaberg I have never made the trip!
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Thanks Michele, I appreciate your comments my friend. Let me whisper a truth in your ear ... I have never been camping! I played around with the idea but just never got there. Bundaberg is surrounded by beaches to the east and the Great Divide to the west, all within easy access so many a day trip has been made ... maybe I am just not adventurous enough, LOL! This challenge will be my big camping adventure! <3
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Sharon your way of camping is really cozy and less dangerous, the one of Linda more adventurous ... LOL!

And Annie shows dreaming of camping can be very creative too. I like the way you placed the norway letters. Is it a special font?



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Thanks Annie for your quick answer and the link. I just made the download :-)


Here in Germany we had already really hot weeks (about 30-40°), this week is pretty cooler and may be we would need Sharon's inviting fire ...

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Hello again Scrapbook Campers.  I followed a different path for this one.  I love blending with PSP so that is what I have done here, having been inspired by a layout I found on the net.  The photo is the inside of a gypsy camper ... my style of camping I should think.  Scrapkit used is by Janet Scott from Pixel Scrapper - "Woodland Winter".  Thanks for takin a peek.
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Hello Scrapbook Campers.  This photo is a tourist shot of the North Bend Park Campground in Virginia.  It looks like a nice place to camp.  The layout is from Designer Digitals and is a blend-able by Katie Pertiet (ptu).  I love Katie's work, very rustic and yet elegant somehow.  The title is an alpha by Marisa Lerin - Paper Clip blue.  Thanks for takin a peek.
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