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Publish It Challenge - 2019


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I am really enjoying this challenge! Most of my photos are horizontal and it's been fun creatively cropping them to focus on a particular section. I also wanted to see what it would look like as a center spread by combining both pages into one document. I see why the rectangle was there, it makes it easier to align them. I'm looking forward to Day 5!
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Félicitations!  je viens de refaire le tour et toutes les pages de magazine sont intéressantes et belles


Merci Carole pour tes mots sur mes deux premières pages...  je vais t'amener à quelques endroits ;-)


Comment faire pour annuler le vectoriel pour le texte?  même si je le supprime cela revient aussitôt que je clique dans ma page avec l'outil texte


Voici mon jour 3





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Here is my day 4 pages.  Learning heaps, was great to know how to change the colour of the blue block. Struggled a bit with my photos because they are mostly landscape, so have adjusted the white frames a bit, but it's great to know I can do that.  I've also gone back and changed the colours in the previous pages to match these colours.  Looking forward to tomorrow.


It's so frustrating that when you upload, the photos show the opposite way round, they look so much better in the proper order so I've created a single page with the 600 size images, much happier with that!

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Thank you Lynda, I live in Springfield and have over the years lived at various spots along there.  I have so many pics of it, but most were never the right shape for the boxs and had to find some stock ones.   Its the longest part of any project, finding the right shot.  Would be lovely to see everyones work all put together at the end, there are ss many beautiful magazines.


Page 5  heybridge basin

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