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Show off contest 2015


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Here is where you can post or link to a scrapbook page using either a technique learned in the Campus, or a free element from the Creation Cassel blog, or store.


Come on. Show off what you can do with PSP and you can win great prizes!


Check the prizes HERE.


Maximum: three entries per person.


In order to post an image in the forum, you have to have the image uploaded somewhere (like Photobucket, or a blog). Then, you can link to it, or enter the URL in the field when you click on the image icon in the forum.

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Hi Cassel,


I made an oval vector, master class playing with vectors.  I duplicated and converted to a raster.   Then I used your script clip to it, from your store, and clipped the photo to the oval raster.   Then I used your tube cass_silverchain10, from your store and then used the vector tube script, from your tips and tricks, on the oval vector to create the frame.


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I guess I did not post it in the right place, so I copy it here:


As lately I got lots of scripts from Cassel with ribbons I used lots of ribbons in this page.


So from the store I used several knot scripts and the ribbon tag script.


Free from the blog is the little knot on the left of the frame


And a technique from the campus I used the simple photo border and the polka dot pattern although that is hard to see as I used cany corns for the patterns instead of dots.

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Hi Cassel,


I used cass worn edge script on the large picture.   I used cass quick scallop script on the black paper.   Then I made a rectangle vector, fill black on outline and converted to a raster.  This became my mask and I used cass clip to it script to clip the picture to the rectangle.  I created a border using master class framed and added a bevel.  Finally I added drop shadow using master class realistic shadows.



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Hi Cassel,


#1 - I made :


- Tassel from Creative Scrap

- Eyelet 2 from shop Creation Cassel  https://creationcassel.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=7_9&products_id=339#.Vj4nN40QU5s

- Directional Blur for label from Master Class To Blur or not to Blur

- Interlacing elements in Tips and tricks


- Made also : color background, label, bevel overlay, mask





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Hi everyone, here is my first try.




I made a background and grunged it a bit and tried the folded paper technique. I used a ribbon I made from Cassels tut and made it more crossgrain than sheer.


I used my own photos and gave them a white border and stuck them with a shiny type brad. I also used the Ghost Shadow technique, another of Cassels instructional tut.




Sheila xx

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[caption id=" align="alignnone" width="600]https://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t460/sgh11/Tubes%20and%20Things/Album%202/Scrapbook%20Campus%20Challenge_zpsp8wanyfz.jpg Westonbirt 2015[/caption]


Here it is. took me a few goes to get it posted but yipee, done it.


I made a grunged background with a stitch technique from a master class. Made a rolled paper, ribbon, and ghost shadow text from this weekends visual tuts. I edged my own images and stuck them with a brad.


Sheila x

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