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Love Story Challenge 2019


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Day 7 - I used one of my fuchsia colored roses for this final exercise of the challenge.  I opted for a varied polka dot background that I created using the technique Carole described in her tutorial.  I didn't do the wire text, but instead, decided to use the font Christmas Wish Calligraphy and the sculpture effect with significant drop shadows to ensure the text wasn't lost in the background.  For the outside frame, I flood filled with the color of the rose, then used Graphics Plus - Cross Shadow.
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Again, lovely layouts posted here... I love to see the different styles... Nice work, everyone!


I've been busy and managed to finish 4 layouts so far... It is good for me to participate again in this challenge because there are techniques that I haven' used since last year and this is a good way for me to practice them.


Besides the kits, suggested by Cassel, I also used elements from Sheila Reid and Ginger Jones (PixelScrapper). I also used Cassel's DistressedEdge freebie and Corner Punches D Brushes.


Font: Lovely Valentine

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I really enjoyed making the bokeh effect. I now have so many options to improve the look of an image. Thanks for this.


What I enjoy most, though, is seeing all the great photos that span the ages. Making those old photos come to life with scrapbooking effects is wonderful. Kudos to Shannon and Royanne for their creations.

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Day 5 results, another family history page. I kept this page simple. I really liked the mask better without all the extra stamping around the edges of the photos and opted for ring style frames instead. I made the paper and balanced out the boldness of the pattern with the plain red paper and ribbons.
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I finally finished the challenge--the only thing I didn't do was the metal-look writing. It's an interesting effect but it's way more labor intensive than I care to get into at this point.  I tried to tie the pages together by using some of the same elements on each:  the frame, the shape of the background for each of the comments, the age and date tab with a butterfly and, of course, hearts. Then I joined it with a page I'd recently done  showing her as she is now--"flipping out".


I'm happy I participated--I learned a lot!



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Since we have a PSP Scrapbook Showcase board on Pinterest, who would allow me to post their projects on that board? I could link back to this thread so Pinterest viewers might discover all the resources and masterpieces of the Campus.


Let me know.

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