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Love Story Challenge 2019


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Day 7 I went back to the first day, and used the mask and frame that I downloaded. I thought I would end the challenge on a much warmer note. I go home to Wales every year. Whilst we are still in a deep freeze with the ground blanketed in a deep snow here I Canada. Snowdrops, Daffs, Crocus and Primroses are making an appearance. Many of you will know that I will use the photo to create a background paper. Seamless tiling, blur, effects and 2 matching coloured layers, and opacity.
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Dear Rhonda you have created a delightful page.  Your watercolor background is beautiful as is your darling little friend.  I have had so many cats over the past 47yrs and I get a little upset now when I cannot remember all their names!  Every now and then one of them will just pop into my head and then I think "oh that's right, there was so and so" and I enjoy the memory.  <3
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Sue, this is a lovely spring delight page, well done.  It is such a pleasure to view.


We have another couple of weeks left of summer here in the Land Down Under but it probably won't make much difference.  Summer has been brutal this year.  The southern end has burnt out and the top end has flooded out.  Walking over the lawn is crunchy and crackly here in the south-east of Queensland.  Every day promises rain but it ends up just that ... a forgotten promise!  Up to 500,000 cattle have perished in the north Australian floods let alone the wildlife.  Our planet is gearing up for a change I think!  <3


Let me keep viewing beautiful digital scrapbook pages so I can get lost in something lovely.  <3

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Annie, we here in California must have received all your rain.  There has been so much of it lately, day after day, night after night, that it wiped out our drought conditions for the state; now we are on alert for mudslides.  I hope the wet weather pattern shifts soon and that you too will be enjoying the soothing and nourishing rains at last.  And I really like your Bokeh effect on the parrots "Love in Blue."


Shutterpixi, you did a nice job on the Bokeh effect for "The Boys."  Both you and Annie got great results with dark backgrounds using Bokeh.  I get nervous when considering a dark background for Bokeh, but you guys made it work well.  I must keep this in mind the next time I have misgivings about using the dark with Bokeh effect, and just go for it and see what happens.


On my page for the paper, I used a heart stamp (Touch My Heart Lite) arranged in straight lines instead of a circular dot shape, then played around with the Pattern effect set at 4 columns, 3 rows, and 90% rotation angle.  It made an interesting pattern like little bouquets of hearts.  I spent a good deal of time working with the wire text effect but my phrase was just a bit too long, and when it was resized to fit on the page it wasn't as readable as Cassel's "Our love is forever" wire text, so eventually I ditched the phrase I was working on and went with Cassel's wire text instead.  I liked her idea of the gold frame so used that on my page too with an interior bevel effect and thin frame drop shadow.  Thanks for taking a look!


My gratitude to Cassel for another fantastic challenge!  Now I know how to use masks.  Thanks also to everyone who participated -- for me that is at least 50% of the benefit of these challenges; I come away from them with so much inspiration from everybody's creativity.

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Day 7, final layout


Caden's favorite color is blue so I decided to do a silver title instead of gold. I need to find some better textures for the metals. Not really happy with the masks but they are what they are.


My text sizes are messed up. the small February at the bottom was at 100 and I had to resize it to get what I wanted. Caden's name was at least a 250 and then I enlarged that one too. I use the 3600 x 3600 size all the time and never had to resort to those large sizes.


Anyway, except for my glitches, of which I've had too many, I have enjoyed this, even the second time around.  I had forgotten some of these lessons!!  Thanks Carole!!

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Day 7


Wasn't happy with a darker background,  I like 'light',   did the polka dot but with a heart shape brush,  wire text using the sculpture texture and used a flower shape brush when doing the mask.

We love all our grandbabies  but these 2 lived with us and they are the two we have the most photos for.  No favouritism!!


Thanks for another great challenge Carole.    I really must practice your method of doing masked images more.  I always make my masks,  then just do them using mask layer/from image  so the way you've shown us is a bonus.


Everyone has done gorgeous work......  and anyone that this is new too, well you'd never know......  they all look like everyones been doing this for years.   Well done everyone.

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OK I'm on day 6. but first a few shout outs.


@REDRADAR....Love the title of Bokeh page and you made day 7 simply beautiful. @ANNIE...Day 6 Great bokeh background for the beauatiful Blue Couple.


@AUS...love lettering in Canada mask. I must try that one day.


@CRISTINA...TY and I can't wait to see your stuff.


@SHANNON - Love me some family history! Great job and love you green plaid. I struggled with mine, kept getting not so great surprises.


@SUE THOMAS - WoW Sue, the flowers love you too! Gorgeous!


Now Day 6 is my 3 year old granddaughter. Pictures taken for family Christmas card near their home in Memphis, TN. The mask and snowflake are some photoshop brushes I had.  This exercise has been fun and @CASSEL, your background is so soft. Love it

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Day 7. Didn't have a gold pattern for my lettering. Use the wood. But I'll figure something out to get gold pattern.  Won't give up.


Thanks Cassel! I've learned so much.


Thanks All of You! I've enjoyed the journey with you all.

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