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What are you working on (in June)?


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I found a great use for Cass's Candies Quick Page. As you can see, my gaming group's theme was Pop Sugar. I replaced "Chocolate" with the theme. Then I placed the candy heart over the crocheted doily embellishment that was originally there. I tried to match the font that Cassel had used and ended up picking Pacifico. Wish I knew how she got her text to look so yummy. I used some inner beveling and some embossing.


~ Michele

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Annie, Michele, lovely layouts...Annie, I didn't know this Viewmaster Wheel tutorial (there are so many!) and this is a great idea to showcase many small photos. Michele, the photo matches so well the QP and your Pop Sugar title looks very yummy too.
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I have been working industriously on the Lab modules but didn't think to combine the individual tuts into one graphic until quite recently. Anyway it has given me a chance to revise the lessons by going through them again … good refresher!



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My daughter and I went to the Columbus Zoo Sunday for her company Summer event.    This is one of the pages I scrapped. We had sooo much fun and this was was exhausted and couldn't see it all.  Making this page took me hours but I like the way it came out.





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This is a double page spread I made of my trip to the zoo with my daughter.  We loved the Polar Bear Exhibit the most at the Columbus Zoo in Ohio.  We went underneath and my daughter snapped this photo.  The funny part is a mans reflection and someones arm reflecting in the polar bear's bottom!  The story if you can't read it explains the reflections.
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Hi Annie, I am enjoying very much all your layouts. They are beautiful! Don't stop! :) Those Lab tutorials are really great, and I also have fun practising the lessons.


Hi DeLoris, also very nice layouts.


Dawn, I am missing you here. Hopefully, we are going to see your great cards and others layouts here soon :)





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