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Saying Hello from Australia.

Rosemary Anstey

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Thank you Carole for your reply re the scanning resolution. I will give it a go as soon as more time appears. I have spent the whole day on this contraption, and really have little to show for it. I wandered into a couple of areas, had fun, interest, but little to show for it. Thank you for directions, Have a good day. Cheers. Rosemary A
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G'Day Rosemary.  Welcome to Scrapbook Campus, you will like it here, so much to learn.  Friendly people and a super teacher.


I am Aussie and have been here now for a while and love all the activities.   Enjoy yourself, Cheers Jan



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Welcome Rosemary, welcome to this wonderful campus. I am sure you will get to love it and all that it offeres here. I come from Bundaberg in Queensland and our street is gearing up for the State of Origin match tonight … go the Mighty Maroons, LOL! Cassell is an amazing tutor and her knowledge with Paint Shop Pro is unsurpassable I feel sure. Hugs......Annie T
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Cooee Annie - it will be the new Mighty Blues who will win the State of Origin tonight - that is who I will be barracking for.


I live on the South Coast of New South Wales out of Nowra.


Rosemary, hope you are reading these welcomes, come and say G'Day.

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Being a South Australian I am not passionate about the State of Origin, although blue is my favourite colour as opposed to my husband who likes maroon - we will watch the game but don't get as excited as when our AFL teams are playing.


Anyway welcome to you Rosemary, I'm sure you will have a lot of fun and learn a lot in the Campus. Once thing that stands out is the many varied ways we all have of doing our scrapbooking, there is no right or wrong way only what we like.

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Thank you to all for the welcome messages.  I am West Australian, commonly known as a sandgroper.  I have family connections in Brisbane, Queensland, and also in South Australia, so I guess one could say we could be 'country cousins". I do not pay much attention to the football these days, only when the Eagles win, or the Dockers lose!!!  I am hoping to do a little better with paint shop learning ladder, I have had it for years, but done little, other than the odd bit of doodling with it, but feel I need to become a little more earnest with the hoard of photos I have.So here's hoping, the problem is I have too many fingers in too many pies.  It is nice to say Hello to all of you, hope you are all doing well.  Cheers, R.
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