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Love Story Challenge


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Our newest challenge will soon start. Are you in?


Who will be your "loved one" that will be featured in your Love story pages?


The official registration will open on February 1st and the challenge itself will start on February 14th, so there is plenty of time for you to find your photos and invite friends to join.


And this challenge will be FREE for everyone, so spread the word.

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Glad to see the brave ones saying Hi in this thread. You still have a bit of time. How about you send the registration link to your friends, in the groups or forums you hang around, etc. Maybe you know some people who might want to give scrapbooking a try? After all, the price is right!
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I have signed up.  I haven't scrapped for almost 2 years, but this challenge is perfect for me.  I won't be able to play the first few days though!  I will be away, taking the photos for my book.  It is our 30th anniversary, so this will be our memory book for this milestone.
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My day 1 was of my grandson Danny. I only have 1 grandchild and he is the love of my life! He is 10 now (almost 11) and he has lost the " little boy" in him and is becoming a young man. It is very seldom I get his picture these days, so I got 3 older ones to use. I used the kit provided and This Is Me February from Snickerdoodle Designs. This is a fun challenge! Thank you Carole! Your layout was beautiful!



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Ok, I have given this a try. I couldn't get the mask to work on the smaller frames. *sigh* So improvised. Masks are my weak point.


I'm brand new to scrapping, altho have been psp'ing for 10 years.


In any event, a combo of my pugs, elephant in Botswana and a Blue Footed Boobie (yes, really) in the Galapagos Islands.



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Bravo Deloris et Leslie


Bravo aussi à toi Carole!

- - - - - -

Mes premiers Amours sont mes parents

J'ai choisi cette photo prise lors de leur 25 ième anniversaire de mariage

Ce jour-là était aussi le jour de mon mariage - il y a 45 ans et demi

Ma mère n'est pas très souriante, elle a le coeur gros car elle savait que papa était mourant. Il est décédé 60 jours après cette soirée.



Kit PBS Escale amoureuse - partie de Alinamaria - Template de Loulou

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My day 1 is about my inlaws.  Me trying to use someone's template is kind of like me trying to fit a square object into a round hole.    I have never liked templates so try to make myself do them since that is a part of what scrapbooking is all about.  I think Everyone has their own style and I don't think I have ever found a template that fits mine, But I do love a challenge and I never liked saying I can't..so for what it's worth here it is.
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@glenson: your page is exactly as it should be. There is no need to add fluff (even though some scrapbookers do, it is just extra). You could have put a paper on the background or not, and leaving it white like that is beautiful and really showcases the photo.


@wanda: I understand that not everyone uses templates, and even those who do will use different types of templates. This was mostly to show how to use a type that is not as often used, and you will see, later in the series, you will be able to create your own! That will surely make you happy too.


@Leslie: great use of the mask. You say it didn't work for the smaller photos. What was happening instead?


@DeLoris: I love how you tweaked the corner of the frame to lift it. A tiny detail that is noticeable and makes it really custom.


@sandra: using PSP is a bit like riding a bike: you never completely unlearn it, but you can also always learn a few new tricks when using it!


To everyone else who joined the challenge, welcome. To those who are new to scrapbooking or to PSP (or both), you are welcome to ask questions too. We are all here to help each other and inspire each other.

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