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January TUT/TECH Challenge (2024)


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The Campus is the perfect place to learn more about photo editing, various techniques, or PSP in general.

This challenge will allow you to practice some of those techniques or use some tools.

This time, the Tut/Tech Challenge will be to create the folded edge effect that was demonstrated during the last Master Class, Bordermania 2. That class is still available for free when you log in. This particular technique is illustrated at the 24th minute of the video so you can fast forward until that point.


Show us what you learned.

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I have had a go with this one and although I have the script which would make it a piece of cake to do, I love to  be able to make things as well so was up for the challenge. I was quite surprised and pleased with my result but found it a bit fiddly in places.

Folded paper (850px)-SGH-31-01-2024.jpg

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