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Using Fonts

Emerald Jay

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I can't remember how this is done and I'm hoping someone can help me.  My fonts are pretty much standard ones that came with my computer plus the 50 I received with the purchase of PSP 2023.  How can I use a font in PSP that is not actually installed on my computer?  I have a large file of fonts that I saved from my old computer. 

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14 minutes ago, Emerald Jay said:

I can't remember how this is done and I'm hoping someone can help me.  My fonts are pretty much standard ones that came with my computer plus the 50 I received with the purchase of PSP 2023.  How can I use a font in PSP that is not actually installed on my computer?  I have a large file of fonts that I saved from my old computer. 

There are two main ways to address that:

  1. you can install new fonts. When you get a font that interests you, you can double-click on it, and on top of the window that will open, you can see a button to install the font. If it is a font you expect to use often, that would work.  If you only plan on using it once in a long while, no need to load your fonts folder
  2. you can use a font viewer like TheFontThing or NexusFont. Then, when the fonts are visible in the preview pane, they will become available in PSP. Beware that once you close the font viewer, the font is no longer available in PSP so the text on your project might change, if you have left it only in vector format. Here is an example of how to use TFT to access fonts in PSP.

So typically, you can still access all those fonts without having to install them.

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19 minutes ago, Emerald Jay said:

I can't remember how this is done and I'm hoping someone can help me.  My fonts are pretty much standard ones that came with my computer plus the 50 I received with the purchase of PSP 2023.  How can I use a font in PSP that is not actually installed on my computer?  I have a large file of fonts that I saved from my old computer. 

Hi Emerald. I have the standard Microsoft Windows fonts and then I have others. I got a font handler program called NEXUSFONT and I have all of them organized into two groups. Nexus is on my Win10 taskbar at all times because many times PSP will announce it's missing a font but if Nexus is open, then all is good.

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